Well, this is the week. The week I officially get replaced.

I don't really know how to feel about this.

I suppose I should be happy to know that somebody is out there wreaking crazed vengeance on deserving sinners. The flaming sword thing just doesn't get the play it used to. Back in the 90's it seemed like everybody had a flaming sword. I had one and extendable flaming gauntlets...

But St. Dumas knows that sometimes I'm a bit weak. And I'll admit that I'm feeling some envy. I know that's not particuarly Christian, but I'd really like for it to be me out there doing the crazed vigilante thing. And you know it's crazed. They even use the word "crazed" in the solicitation.

I'm just going to have to accept that somebody else is getting my old job. I hope at the very least I get a mention. I had a hundred issues of vigilantism. The least they could do is mention me.

But more than anything I hope this helps the poor, lost soul who's taking on the mantle of "Azrael." I know it always gave me great comfort to break ribs and shatter skulls. I miss the good old days...


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