Know this: from time to time I peer into the deep morass that is the world of comic book message boards. It do this for my own amusement. The petty squabbling of "fan-boys" serve to give me great joy.

The fools cannot see beyond their own ideas and concepts! They see conspiracies and deceit -- largely the work of a mysterious being called the "Didio" -- lurking around every corner. The fan-boys' paranoia amuses me to no end.

I also find myself amused by those who carry with them an air of entitlement. Fools! Comic book companies do not serve at your whim! They are entities designed for the maximization of profit. Any form of entertainment they produce is purely a byproduct. If you wish to possess an entity that bows to your every desire then build one the way Lex Luthor does. Or conquer a country. That worked for Black Adam.

My point is this: you are fools! I do not care if you feel that such-and-such a characters has been "slighted." Be it truth or falsehood your opinion will not matter without facts and figures to back it up. And thus far I have seen no proof that this "Didio" creature even exists...


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