... in my comics this week.

  • Ah, the sins of Daxam come home to roost. That's comic book irony.
  • Ollie punks Dinah.
  • Mrs. Yat's apology.
  • Well, I was tired of listening to Arkillo blab, too.
  • Michelle tivos her death.
  • Batman and the Riddler really do make a great team.
  • Dewey defeats Truman for head of the Sinestro Corps.
  • The Arrow-Signal.
  • Naked Kyle.
  • Two-Face and Penguin portrayed as powerful rival ganglords... without ever being seen.
  • Ah ha! So THAT's who Flamebird and Nightwing are... .
  • The origin of King Tut. Classic.
  • God bless comics for sentences like, "These Red Lanterns vomit plasma."
  • I could do without another " second-rate 'mastermind' villain unites the real villains and improbably becomes their boss" storyline, particularly in a Batman comic. BUT... this is the first time the reason they follow him as every been plausible.
  • Kryptonian subtitles.
  • Goodman. Buono. Brilliant.
  • Batman, with guns a-blazing!
  • Womb. Dang it, why didn't I guess womb...?!
  • Quitely drawing a Batman and Robin comic...?
  • Cupid is a great new villain.


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