All images from Sandy's Creations

Bonjour my friends! I am very excited today, I just received my new banner for my blog from Sandy at Sandy's Creations :)
She is amazing! Check out her fabulous blog here. And her Etsy shop for banners here. She also has another Etsy shop Distressrelief with the most fabulous creations! I'm in love. Every single image is hers and showcases her amazing talent! I am in awe of such creativity. Even if your not on the market for a banner her blog is so fun!
This fabulous little beauty is for sale on Sandy's Etsy store Distressrelief

Yipee! I have been wanting to update and refresh my page as well as get moving on my E~boutique. However, I have been stumped as to what feeling I wanted, I had a vision in my mind but after shopping around different graphic artists and web designers, I just couldn't find anything that appealed to me.

Well, last night, by accident, I found this incredible artist on Etsy. I immediately fell in love with her banners and just took a leap and purchased a custom banner. I swear in one day (was it even a whole day?)she had designed exactly what I've been searching for all of this time! I am beyond happy! You know when you picture something in your head and nothing will do until you find that exact idea?

I hope you all like the banner as much as I do and I just wanted to give out a huge Thank you to Sandy! I have never had better customer service or satisfaction.




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