My Wonderful Friends! I am so sorry to have deserted you for sooo long! Trust me, it was not willingly done! Life has thrown us some curve balls that needed to be dealt with and sparing you all of the sordid details...I'm back. Things are okay & getting better everyday. I just wanted to tell you all that I've really missed you and I so appreciate all of the incredible well wishes and thoughts. You can't know how much it means to me to know you were all rooting for me. You have given me strength by just being here and sending me such great thoughts! I had no idea I would be missed! Thank you!!!! I hope I haven't let you down by not posting but I really had to get things taken care of and that meant focusing all of my energy. I thought of you all of the time. I'm back now and will be posting regularly ~ if you'll have me!?!

I have some great thoughts for some fabulous posts and a renewed and positive outlook! I love you all!!!

Much Love,



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