I'm not sure whether I've ever mentioned it here on the blog, but I went to an Ivy League school. Ivy Leaguers, as a rule, will gravitate toward one another in larger social settings. But go to any function with nothing but Ivy Leaguers, and then we all hate one another, so the evening usually sounds something like this.

  • "Is that the caterer or just a Cornell? I can never tell..."
  • "No olives in the martinis? I guess that wouldn't leave room for the Princetons."
  • "Looks like his wife went to Dartmouth, too. Unless that's his brother."

Anyway, Ivy Leaguers aren't the only group that outsiders think of as a lump who can get snotty with one another (although we do get particularly snotty). The same phenomenon occurs in any group; scientists, outdoorsmen, singers, whatever. And, of course, comic book fans... .

Usually, such in-sniping is all in good fun. But occasionally it bites back; have you ever had this (or the equivalent) happen to you...?

You've met this guy (or whatever) and he's hot and kind of sweet and chatty and into you, and something comic booky comes up and you're hesitant to 'come out' of the comic book closet, but then he's all, "Oh I love comics, too!"

At first, you think, "OMG; excellent! My future husband." UNTIL...

  • "Isn't Geo-Force the best?"
  • "Aquaman's such a loser!"
  • "Storm is my idol!"

Yes, they let loose with some comic book opinion so absurd, so benighted, that you're dumbfounded and unable to reply. "NO. You did not just say that. Please unsay that. My future happiness is dependent on your not having said that... . "

Because, yes, you can be friends with someone who loves Wolverine. But you can never, never marry them.

In this way, our love for comic books keeps us apart more than it brings us together.

Has something like this ever happened to you?


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