in my comics this week.

  • Cavalier, in two comics in one month? God, I love the New Silver Age!
  • Don't let them fool you; all cat-breath is like that.
  • Just imagine the Veil on a date with the Phantom Stranger. Blah blah blah blah blah!
  • Is that Deadshot's secret motivation? I'm thinking we'll never know.
  • The return of Vicki Vale, society reporter sexpot.
  • Forget about his powers; God, Superman's got guts! "Your entire societal structure sucks!" It's like in the late '30s, where Superman wasn't The Man, he fought The Man...
  • "Eye a fark!" Words to live by.
  • Sigh. Why doesn't anyone give me a time-released bottle of champagne?
  • Tallulah decides not to wait a second, after all.
  • "Well. That was unpleasant."
  • Nocturna--? Go figure.
  • Even chained and bleeding to death, Cavalier remains a gentleman.
  • The Flash Rebirth house ad. I just like looking at it.
  • Is that the Monocle, atop the bridge? Didn't he used to be dead?
  • What the Artist Guild wears.
  • "Come as a stranger, leave as a friend." Or, you know, a corpse.
  • The cause of death of Anthony Giancarli... I want a flashback!!!
  • The Gotham Gazette gives a good sense of the slow unraveling of Gotham in Batman's absence, rather than just stating it as a fact; I like that.
  • Broken and scarred, Jonah Hex is still hella sexy.
  • "Moon Supergirl has thwarted our criminal endeavors!"
  • Any comic that cold-opens with Phantom Stranger speaking in sententiousness and logo-front is AOK by me!
  • Aunt Alura, Super-MILF.
  • Strange Adventures does a great job of tying together lots of DC's stray space characters into an interesting read. Besides I got to see more of Rann destroyed, and that's always welcome. Dirty stinkin' Rannies.
  • Now that HE's out of the way, can we please put Cavalier back with Killer Moth, where he belongs? Thanks.
  • The eloquence of Lena Luthor.
  • Is that a super-Corgie? Excellent.
  • Tyrone's species bigotry; amen to that, brother!
  • Dr. Zimmerman, the Wild West's most avant-garde interior decorator.
  • Prince Gavyn's bold deceit.
  • I cannot imagine what Bizarro and the Weird are up to together...!?
  • Ah... I begin to perceive the Secret Origin of J.E.B. Stuart's ghost...
  • I believe in Zod. Almost.
  • "There's somethin' bout it that brings a smile ta muh face."
  • Disgusting hippies and their disgusting hippy van.
  • I will not be satisified until I have the opportunity to leave someone a note that says, "Linger at your own peril." Preferably, a little girl.
  • Um... oops. I guess... I guess Killer Moth's available now, too.
  • Dan Didio's new line of clothing.
  • Hey, once it become clear that Barbara's going to be Batgirl against her breasts got HUGE!
  • Kal-El's new guild.
  • "Offer ends soon." Supplies are limited!
  • And the lesson is... do not make Jonah Hex mad at you.


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