in my comics this week.

It's not that weren't things that "Made Me Happy"; there surely were. The entirety of El Escarabajo Azul and the Super-Friends versus the dinosaurs, for example.

But my primary reaction this week was terror. Sheer, delicious terror!

  • The villain in Action comics, revealed. Shudder. Not many villains really scare me; that's one of them.
  • The Black Glove and the Black Hand.
  • The bodies of Triplicate Girl and Karate Kid-- nothing more than clues.
  • Starboy, who's seeming less like comedy relief than scary-crazy.
  • The Joker's attempts to communicate with Batman.
  • The Anti-Amazons, and the force behind them.
  • Seeing Hal Jordan get his ring (really, what could be more terrifying than that?)
  • The "hand" imagery that permeates DCU #0, just like the Hand of Creation the Krona should never have seen.
  • "I never paid attention to his powers." God, Hal Jordan terrifies me.
  • The skies grow red.
  • The return of the unreturnable.
  • Mike. Ye gods, it really is Mike, after all these years... .
  • The real, honest-to-Infantino skyline of Central City, in all its horrifying bizarre glory.

The rainbow corps, the death of Karate Kid, Batman RIP, the Three Legions, the Human Flame, and more... it really is part of one big story.

And it terrifies me.



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