in my comics this week.

  • Okay, bravo; whoever came up with that solution deserves a Leslie Thompkins Humitarian Award! Elegant. In character. Explanatory!
  • "Why don't you call it the Star Chamber?" He really does have a good sense of humor, you know.
  • How fabulous is spooky new Sandy "Sandman" Hawkins? Very.
  • "It doesn't matter; we always show the victim's family."
  • His last name is Miller? How perfectly generic and delightfully unspectacular!
  • The Faust Family photo.
  • Zowie, that Dexter Bennet's a corker; at least JJJ was an HONEST bastard.
  • I have to admit these are very interesting new versions of the Fourthworlders... .
  • John Stewart designed that "room"? LOL, how many seconds did that take?!
  • Giant metal banana.
  • So I assume that strip joint used to be the old Central City Community Theater...? It would explain a lot.
  • Why the jar can't be opened; now that's comic book irony.
  • "She really loved that tray." Is Spider-Man becoming one of my favorite books, and does this signal the end of the world?
  • Lightning's battle cry; wish I'd thought of it first! It's almost as good as "This is going to be oomphy!"
  • Batman cheering up Superman by visiting him in jail.
  • "My toof!"
  • Catwoman gets back to business without missing a beat, thanks to Pfeiffer.
  • Paparazzo Parker; clever idea.
  • The Redbird; now, why didn't I think of that?
  • "Is that a euphemism?" made me laugh out loud.
  • Okay, seeing Wonder Woman's head on Aquaman's body is darned disturbing.
  • Good bless you, zany Tom Peyer, for making Flash not only readable but wacky fun.
  • The Penguin's meta-commentary.
  • Clever use of Lichtenstein, Mr. Slott.
  • Yeah, I'd be hesitant to admit I'd been fighting Mr. Polka Dot, too.
  • Best. Finger-puppets. Ever.
  • "Somebody flattened her." Snort!
  • Thank you, Dwayne, for writing a conversation between the Big Three that actually sounds like a conversation between the Big Three.
  • "You only need to make him scream, Dad; I'll handle the rest." Oh, you naughty, naughty man!
  • The new Snapper Carr.
  • If getting their butts handed to them by the Human Flame doesn't prove Red Arrow and Hawkgirl don't belong in the League, I don't know what could.
  • Even I am impressed by a slash page that quotes both Williams Shakespeare and Charles Schulz.
  • If those kids don't get codenames soon, I'm going to have to assume they're going to die soon.
  • Paper Doll; great villain.
  • Granny Goodness discovers a new mode of transportation, including its disadvantages.
  • Sigh; if only he'd pour himself down MY throat... .
  • Even Batman has to smile at the fact that, well, Batman's not stupid.
  • The Flash's winter jacket.
  • The Godmobile.
  • Felix's sign; no home should be without one.
  • She's reading "Faust"? Isn't that a little over the top, even for them?
  • "Let me give you my six secrets of survival!"
  • The Human Flame making a fool out of Lex Luthor.
  • Oh, and for those of you who don't already know it: Athena's eyes are famously grey, not green.


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