in my comics this week.

  • What Meltzer mind-wipeth, Dini forgiveth away.
  • Nightwing reads Talia's beads.
  • The Great Mother? Certainly didn't expect to see HER!
  • Skrull Dr. Octopus? Excellent.
  • Lex, upstaged by a Kryptonian. It'd be funny, if it weren't so-- no, actually it's just funny.
  • Panda's not only not dead... he's improbably hot.
  • The origin of Scarface.
  • Nightwing, on the plastic surgeon's association.
  • Mary Marvel's hair. Fabulous, really.
  • A skeleton in a female Chronos costume.
  • "I am Truth. I am Knowledge. I am lost."
  • Kryptonese covers. Not enough of those in comics, I say.
  • Red Tornado wondering out loud why he's a total idiot who's always the first JLAer to get taken out of commission.
  • Jonah Hex is a perfect hero; smart enough to deduce what no one else could, but dumb enough to fall for the oldest trick in the book.
  • Ron Troupe? Really? Ron Troupe? Okay, if you say so... .
  • Alexander Gradet's first comic book was a really good one. He writes Flash and Mary Marvel better than anyone else has been lately!
  • Rann versus Thanagar, baby. I'm totally there, waiting for the steadfast Thannies to kick the patooties of those spineless Rannies. Again.
  • Nightwing rides the subway. Briefly.
  • Captain Comet briefs the Justice League on why Earth is safe.
  • Bizarro versus Non. Rrr!
  • Spider-Man telling Spider-Man how annoying he is.
  • Batman without half his intelligence.
  • God, could Sardath be any more contemptible...?!
  • The Story of the Human Flame in full, glorious color. Somehow, color just makes it that much gayer.


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