in my comics this week.

  • Well, that's the first time I've ever cheered for Dr. Light.
  • Did you get Legion last week? If not, you missed out on people having sex with parrots!
  • "Clearly you both should know better by now." Priceless.
  • You do recognize Dr. Teng, don't you?
  • So, does she just stand around in Bruce's bedroom waiting all the time, or what?
  • Did you get House of Mystery last week? If not, you missed out on people having sex with flies!
  • Finding out who Superman's favorite hero was. Of course!
  • Wonder Woman and the wolves.
  • "Water cooler accident?"
  • Roxxas Energy Co.; very nice touch!
  • Okay, that's definitely more interesting than the usual monster/alien/demon that Winick uses to prop up his plots when they've stalled... .
  • I'm glad they remembered to draw Brainy as a humanoid now.
  • "I Spent the Night with Superman."
  • The Joker daydreams.
  • Usually, Morrison's partially digested regurgitations of manga-staples just make me groan and roll my eyes, but "Shiny Happy Aquazon" makes me smile.
  • Wonder Woman calls Beowulf an ugly whore.
  • "I watch him go through cycles"; as do we all!
  • Bzzd is a great name.
  • Catcher's mitt. Of course.
  • The Yellow Lanterns decorate their Sciencells


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