Bonjour Friends! Today is the day to announce the winner of Paris Atelier's first give away to celebrate the opening of my new Etsy shop!

First, I would like to give a special Thank you to Mandy at A La Parisienne
She gave me the beautiful button for my new Etsy shop that you see above. It's so perfect and so pretty! I knew she was talented but I had no idea! A visit to her blog is sheer joy! Her images are remarkable and she is such a talented, warm, and genuine person. Thank you Mandy!!!!

I would also like to say a big Congratulations to.....

Janet at FrenchBlue
Janet is the winner of the first give away! Congratulation!

Janet has the most beautiful blog over at FrenchBlue
If you have not yet stopped in please take a moment to sit back and take a peek. She has an incredible eye for style and her taste is flawless! Janet has been a huge source of support and friendship and I can't thank her enough! She also has the most remarkable store
which carries some of the most heavenly items, take a look but make sure you have some time set aside, you might get lost in there, it is too pretty to leave!

I am just about to list some pretty Satin Vintage Drapery and the most delicious Satin Bedspread in the Etsy store. They are all one set and they are from the 40's. I almost can't stomach parting with them :( They have just been sitting for years not being appreciated. I can't bring myself to put them out to brave the elements. I have had them wrapped in acid free paper and sealed for almost a decade. What a shame, they should be looked at and often! :) If they are not up tonight they will be tomorrow so be sure to check in.

And now....My second giveaway (pictured above and below)!
To enter just pop into the new Paris Atelier Etsy shop and then come back here to leave a comment, that's it :)

Good Luck!


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