I believe these images are from Harpers

Hi Everybody!
I sat with some friends this morning at "The Corner Bakery" and had a wonderful discussion over oatmeal and tea. The topic was...
How do we do it all!?!

All of us sitting there with our children in their various "stages"... Terrible Two's, teething, Teen, colicky, & newborn (they sound like 5 of Snow White's dwarfs). We all had the same question...How do we do it all?

My answer was simple, I don't!

Life can be a balancing act. There is so much on our shoulders. For me it is Husband, child, family, home, work, friends, Etsy, blog, errands, cooking, cleaning, bills, etc, etc. I won't lie, sometimes I just can't do it all. It was strange but everybody looked at me as though I was crazy when I said this. Did I utter the most taboo words in the English language? I felt like an animal at the zoo the way they were looking at me! Am I the only one who doesn't get it all done all of the time!?!
I used to pretend that I was perfect. My perfect home, my perfect never messy baby, my perfectly precision cut hair and always manicured perfect nails, my perfectly pressed fresh from the dry cleaners business attire, my perfectly detailed Mercedes, my perfect everything. I was insane! Nobody is perfect all of the time.
Well, friends, times have changed and while I still try to get it all done, I know now that realistically about 70-80% of my list gets checked off daily, and I'm okay with that.
Now at the end of the day when I've spent good solid quality time with my son and husband, I've achieved perfection :)
Here's to you! Getting it all done...


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