in my comics this week.

Actually, my comics arrived late this week, because UPS was delayed by the racist octogenarian madman who shot and killed a security guard at the Holocaust Museum.

So, the Thing That Made Me Happiest about my comics this week was they had on average less horrible happenings than my own city.

  • I have no idea what and who that is at the end of Action Comics, other than that, whatever it is, it's some good old-fashioned comic book fun.
  • Speaking of which.... THINKO!
  • One doesn't expect Alice Cooper to be quote in Super Friends.
  • What Barry used to do for charity.
  • So, it is now okay for me to think Tim Drake Wayne is really hot?
  • I thought I saw something in the background of Flash Rebirth 1; now I get it.
  • Ion's clever ploy.
  • The return of the Black Beetle.
  • Yes... Abra Kadabra is the one you would have to get rid of, first and foremost.
  • Batman lives. Always.
  • The delighfully ironic fate of Lyssa Drax.
  • Batman protects rappers, too.
  • The real Joker card hanging in the Batcave.
  • "No one from the Sciencells escapes the Alpha Lanterns."
  • Good to see Max again.
  • Wait, so, that means Guy Gardner watched Brokeback Mountain? Heh.
  • Mr. Freeze's motive.
  • Playing lightning bolts and bracelets.
  • Yes, opening a book can shatter worlds, I suppose.
  • Iris's umbrella. Really, she's so mean, I'd just assume the rain would be afraid to fall on her.
  • The "ultimate man cave". Heh.
  • The Professor. Who isn't the surprise really; but the what and the how will be.
  • Well, that's one way to bookmark a page.
  • The Blue Snowman, unnecessary backstory included!


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