I just love the little chair both for my hair and my boudoir!
Bonjour my Friends! I took my little one to Disneyland today and we are both exhausted! We had a very magical day riding the Pirates of the Caribbean, saying hello to Mickey and his friends, and braving the crowds. I have to say, my little Justin is already a ladies man...he had all of the princesses clamoring to take a photo with him! Mon Dieu! Too cute.

I just wanted to post a huge thank you to all of my blogland friends. I have really come to look forward to sitting down at my computer in the evening with a cup of green tea and visiting all of these incredible blogs. Thank you all for your friendship and wonderful comments. When I started this blog in late October I had no idea that anybody would be interested in anything I had to say or write, little did I know I would meet some of the most eloquent and beautiful souls on here! So a BIG thank you and wonderful night to you all!

I have absolutely no idea where these pics are from (I'm sorry, I'm horrible at cataloging all of these photos) I just thought they were fun and whimsy just like our day with Mickey today!
Good night.


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