Leap/ClimbOf course it's a meteor;
welcome to Apex City.

PhasingI think J'onn lays awake at night, coming up with weird things to do with his powers.

ChargeI have got to use that line the next time I push someone aside on the dance floor!

ElasticityBecause it's not like he could, you know, phase through the wall or anything.

TelekinesisMostly, J'onn seems to use this power on clothes.
And baseballs.

Pulse Wave


Incapacitate"Sonic vibrations" is the Martian euphemism for flatulence.

Psychic Blast
Destroying hurtling boulders with your mind counts as Psychic Blast in my book.

Smoke CloudThis, and any other, attack power could just be listed on his character card as Martian Finger Snapping, since it can pretty much do anything.

RegenerationEven for J'onn, that's ridiculous.

and InvulnerabilityNow THAT is exposition.

SupersensesOr it could just be martini time at the Apex Bar.

Defend"Why am I wasting my turns defending pogs from Batman Ally attacks? Why did I decide to explode a mine with my butt? What's it all mean?"

Combat ReflexesAnybody else would just dodge, but J'onn J'onnz has to do something both weird and snide, using one of his hapax phenomenon powers to trick some guy into jumping out a window.

DeflectionJ'onn really is rather showy, isn't he?

PerplexFisk? Must be a mixed-universe game.

Ranged Combat ExpertIf you can shatter a tank by snapping your fingers without shattering the people between you and tank, I think you deserve Ranged Combat Expert.

Shape ChangeYou'd be surprised how often he says that.


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