I don't know these people but they can jump high &have fun in the cold,
I'm booking my next trip with them! I'll take Paris even in this storm, it's pure magic! Photo from USA Today all other photos via Flickr
Bonjour! I just heard that the Eiffel tower had to close today because of the snow brought in from the big storm they are having. Brrr...the pictures look icy, it's currently -7 C. My husband found this great web site http://www.paris-live.com/ and we watched the sun rise in Paris together just now! Not quite as romantic as being there but pretty darn romantic for being in our jammies and sitting at the computer! Okay, now for my regular post...
The Walls of Versailles, if only these walls could talk!

Vernis style wall
These are all examples of the walls found in Versailles
The wall hangings are changed with the seasons. Many of them are original and many of them have been carefully reconstructed from shreds and pieces of the originals using the exact same techniques and occasionally even using the same manufacturer that they used so long ago!

In the Gardens

The writing is on the wall! Incredible

The King's chamber

Along the water

When the revolutionaries stormed Versailles they were said to be looking to for the walls made of Gold and Diamonds, they might not have found Diamonds but Gold indeed!

I remember trying to count how many different kinds of marble there was around the chateau! That's just crazy there are way too many to count. The colors of the marble are exquisite.

This is my favorite

I am in awe, even the arches are made of marble. It makes me wish we could see the original Trianon they called the "Porcelain Trianon"

What a contrast from the opulence inside but still so perfect and beautiful

I remember seeing these, the whole room is lined with them and each panel has a different theme (all just gorgeous), however, I cannot recall the room they lined. I do know there is a story here (I will do some research). I love this color.

The best part about the walls in Versailles is that many are actually secret doorway! For example in the library there is a bookcase (faux) that opens to reveal a hidden doorway and of course we all know of the Queens escape through the hidden door in her bedroom.

A closer picture of the wallcovering. I think I am going to try to hang silk wallcovering in my Powder Room. Growing up the walls in my Mom's bathroom were done in a beautiful Grey textured Silk (almost like Raw Silk but not quite). It was so pretty and reminded me of the walls in Versailles, so opulent, and in a bathroom!?!

The wife of the Dauphin's apartment, notice the Parrot so chic for the time period.
If you have any info or great stories about the walls in Versailles I would love to hear about it!
Well, I could go on for days with these walls and more so I have to stop myself here. More tomorrow, I hope you enjoyed it!

Bisou Mon Amis!


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