in my comics.

  • "Luke Cage owes me ten bucks."
  • Skeets should always wear a beret.
  • Honestly, I've seen gas lines do a lot of strange things, but never impale someone through the head.
  • The tetherball maneuver; I love when he uses the Wisdom of Solomon for the cleverest application of his powers.
  • I got to see Panda die... again.
  • Finally, an explanation of why Batman supported him in the League.... .
  • Arm-Fall-Off-Boy saves the Legion from Starfinger. Single-handedly.
  • Gail; thanks for the severed head display!!!
  • "Take me to your leader." Clark Kent is a funny person.
  • It's so good to see Michelle again!
  • It's also good to see Gangbuster again. Never though we would.
  • The Penguin's scrapbook.
  • If the House of the Mystery serves that spread for breakfast, why would anyone ever try to leave? Sounds like an endless stay at the Doubletree.
  • "And we'd have milk everywhere." Of course. Hate it when that happens.
  • Geoff Johns' very clever synopses/juxtaposition of Luthor, Superman, Supergirl, and Brainiac. I now understand them all a bit better, and, in typical Johnsian fashion it was accomplished in about two panels.
  • Using the Joker as a Crypt-Keeperesque series interlocutor? Genius.
  • Wouldn't the 7 Deadly Evils make a great tiki glass set?
  • "No, really: you look great." Catwoman is a funny person.
  • Tom versus the Gorillas.
  • That is not how I expected the Atom to end... .
  • Hey, that was the most fun I've ever had without the Joker killing somebody! This Joker's Asylum mini is way better than anyone expected.
  • Superman shaving.
  • "You'd spend it." Skeet is a funny person. Well, funny machine, anyway.
  • Okay, I'll admit that my first reaction to "High-Energy Particle Physics", "Obscure 17th Century French Literature", and "Pre-Columbian Meso-American Burial Practices", was "thank goodness, something I have a chance at answering correctly, unlike 'Baseball' or 'Song Lyrics'..."
  • Mr. Batson flirting with Amelia.
  • Of course she doesn't have a make-up drawer!
  • Of course Batman figured it out. And kept it quiet. For years. He does things like that.
  • Atom tracers? Starro iodine? Ray Palmer is so freaking cool... .
  • Ah, the three-way version of Truth/Justice/&theAmericanWay. Very well done!
  • Ye gods, that was a great Penguin story! Thank you, Jason Aaron!


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