in my comics this week.

  • I read Pistolfist. It was much better than I'd hoped; I enjoyed it very much; I recommend you read it, too.
  • "Bruce in a cave." That's just pure funny.
  • Amazo's new symbol, which is of course reminiscent of the Composite Superman.
  • Diana Price and Etta Candy, just shopping.
  • "I have a wife, three kids, and a toy poodle."
  • Sea monkey? Hilarious!
  • "Invinciboy".
  • The Kirbyesque flashback sequence for Atlas.
  • Benjamin Franklin, tripping on his own stockings.
  • "I bring him along to scoop up the leftovers."
  • Cap's Hobby Center appeared TWICE in one week....?!
  • The Two-Face origin story is actually pretty engaging, and I've never liked Harvey Bullock more.
  • "That's why I'm making a chart of when different people turned into apes." It's sentences like THAT that I read comics for, people.
  • Two former aerialists working together.
  • Stealing Zatanna's mouth.
  • So do Mark Grayson and Jaime Reyes need to go shopping together, or what?
  • Dick shows Tim how to use wealth.
  • Crispus Attuck's brother.
  • JLA was another fine Heroclix game this week, but wasn't robbing Amazo of his speed the FIRST thing Wally should have done? I still say Wally's an idiot.
  • Jim Shooter keep the plot coming fast and furious in Legion!
  • Bat-Gibbon's deductions about simian species.
  • "You did move all the way around the world, and told us in a note. It was a bit inconsiderate."
  • So, since the cougars officially call Tim "the adopted son", and do NOT call Dick that, I'm pretty much assuming that the whole "Bruce adopts adult Dick for no apparent reason" has been forgotten. Which makes me happy.
  • That Amazo uses arrows, maces, and batarangs. Just because he can.
  • "Hey, pay attention to me. I'm fascinating." I mean, is that the best encapsulation of that character ever, or what?
  • Oliver Queen, dwarfified and tortured.
  • Wow; do not florg around with Light Lass...!
  • Sam and Bobo at the cinema.
  • Okay, that was not what I expected from the Mongul situation. At all.
  • "I love the laws of pendular motion."
  • This week, in three different books, Dick Grayson was extremely cool in the ways that only he be.
  • Franklin's son; by liberty, I had almost forgotten about him... ! The perfect villain!
  • "I have a funny feeling I'm not turning into a puppet." If you're not reading SuperFriends, I call thee a humorless fool.


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