Hello, Barry! Good to reach you in the Afterlife! I hear you've been considering returning to us, is that true?Yes; yes, it is, Barry.
I've also heard Geoff Johns called you recently to convince you to return; what did he say?
Oh, Barry; always so literal!
You know, I've been kind of annoyed that, while you've been gone, editors and writers have been lavishing undue attention on your Rogue's Gallery, whom you made famous.
Also, some of your old pals have suffered some hard knocks or been replaced by so-called "legacies" with varying degrees of success...
In fact, your former sidekick, Wally West, has been filling in for you, and he--
I understand how you feel; no argument here!
By the way, I'm not sure how time is perceived in Bald Man's Heaven; do you realize that Wally's been trying to be the Flash for over twenty years?
Only in terms of monthly sales, Barry.
Be forewarned; DC's been altering the universe in a lot of unpleasant ways during the period you've been away. Perhaps you were right during the last twenty years to stay away, so as to--
Yeah, sometimes the current DCU seems hard for me to recognize, too, Barry.
But there's more. You do realize that Grant Morrison and Dan Didio are continuing to remake the DCUniverse, as if--
Well, whatever you think, Barry; you know best.
What do you think the reaction will be to you rejoining Green Lantern in returning from the dead?
Oh, Barry; you're so literal!
Now that you're back with us, what will become of Wally, though? Lots of people are con--
Oh, so you think Grant Morrison has a plan to get rid of Wally, and if so, how do think the fans will react to that?
Yeah, that sounds about right.
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