"Doctor, I keep dreaming I live in an underground lair, with a giant organ and two green-skinned reptile men who wearing nothing but Speedos. And I'm wearing some kind of, well, a butterfly or moth costume, I can't tell which.

"Anyway, I'm packing up Joan Crawford carefully to ship her to Hollywood, I think, but there's this candle that's, um, I think it's also a, you know, a phallic symbol, and it's flaming on top, and it's jutting into toward her... No, really, out from her, I think like it's a strap-on or she's a pre-op, or something. Anyway, I having some trouble with the packing tape, which has gotten twisted, and into the dream burst a young boy, masked, who grabs a lizard man and shoves him butt-first onto my giant organ, and a strapping man, also masked, who grabs me roughly from behind and stops me from packing up Joan. And they both are dressed like an American flag and have flaming red hair atop, and kind of remind of the candle strap-on thing."

"Tell me, doctor; what does it all mean...?


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