in my comics this week.

  • Why the Vega system is off-limits. Now I get it.
  • And let's hope that's the last we see of the Nightwing costume.
  • The Riddler noting things for ... future reference.
  • Clark Kent the farmboy knows how to deal with animals.
  • Flux capacitor humor.
  • So, I figure, since it's stated 100 times that that simply has to be Jason Todd... that it isn't.
  • The Controllers seem to have bitten off more than they can chew.
  • The Orange Lantern, however, does not.
  • Two-Face, as an actual crime lord, just like the old days.
  • I think I love Liana, too.
  • I wasn't ready for a Tiny Titans/Secret Six mash-up.
  • Wow; they really want us to buy the new Power Girl series, don't they?
  • Kind of surprising who wears Booster Gold's personal scent!
  • That's funnier than crowbars usually are.
  • I don't think I've ever liked Hal more than I did as he was sassing Ganthet this week.
  • What the Thought-Beasts can do.
  • The Riddler knows the Hymn to Aten. In hieroglyphs. I love him.
  • Good to know the Guardians notice little things like the formation of new planets populated by superpowered supremacists in already occupied solar systems.
  • Alfred states the obvious. But makes it look cool.
  • Well... I guess not everyone loves Skeets after all.
  • I am so glad that guy was dressed as Blackhawk.
  • If only there were a toll-free number to vote on Damian.
  • Even though it's a brief cameo in the 'wrong' book, Central City still looks like Central City.
  • Can the Artist Guild throw a party, or what?
  • Hey, now; that is the Penguin! Find the person who did me this favor... then kill them!
  • Ankh. Excellent.
  • "Insignificus" is the best name since the Sivana's last visited the Maternity Ward.
  • Labor Day on New Krypton!
  • I dunno; how bad can someone who tries to kill Damian be, really?
  • Heh. You just never know how they're going to sneak Streaky in.
  • Booster Gold's strategically ripped costume. And body.
  • Hey, Allura! Ya forgot to take out the anti-grav rollers!
  • Ouch. And right after Tim's face had just healed so nicely...


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