... in my comic books this week.

  • Always good to see Wonder Woman versus a nuclear missile.
  • A visit from Cabal. Okay, that's actually something that happened in my comic book store, but that's close enough.
  • 57 cents.
  • Ah, so THAT's why Thom got a job as a gravedigger. Wasn't expecting that. But, as always, Brainy forced it to make sense.
  • Superman was fascinating this week, without a Superman at all. Robinson, doing what he does best, has made Metropolis and its characters come alive.
  • Whoa. Magical Siamese elephants.
  • The Riddler starts Gotham Sirens, I see... .
  • The nameless tombstone.
  • "Another room full of ice. I'm starting to sense a pattern." I always loved that little guy!
  • A dog in a dentist's office is one thing; but an owl...?
  • Orange versus Blue and Green. With Violet and Red and Yellow lurking in the wings. Oh, this is going to be one sweet and pretty war... .
  • "I followed it step-by-step with little success." Not only one of my favorite character's but one of comics' greatest comedians.
  • Eating the candles.
  • The power of Lex Luthor's hair.
  • T.O. Morrow might destroy you, but he doesn't want to see you cry.
  • Al makes Grant sing.
  • "Leviathan, is that you?" Yeah, I cried.
  • Okay, that return/reveal was definitely worth a two-page spread.
  • "Everyone like ice cream."
  • Tellus.
  • While Two-Face was poorly characterized in Gotham Underground, everyone else was just great, and I enjoy their interaction.
  • That's... not what I expected from the Time Trapper.
  • Ares' gift looks... unpleasant.
  • Zatara vs. Jimmy Olsen; advantage, Olsen.
  • Hal's attitude toward "stealth" as a "superpower".
  • And, of course, it's good to see Central City still looking as ridiculous as ever, just as it should...


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