I need your help.

Much more important, VIBE needs your help.

The good folks at HCRealms -- a well-known Heroclix forum -- are having a poll as to which character should be made in a clix figure for the first time.

Naturally, Vibe is one of the choices. Unfathomably, he is not winning. Very much not winning. Losing, in fact. As in, "last place".

Golden-Age Atom 40 14.13%
Ocean Master 21 7.42%
Gizmo 48 16.96%
Golden-Age Johnny Quick 20 7.07%
Negative Man 29 10.25%
Killer Moth 56 19.79%
Ferro Lad 32 11.31%
Toyman II (Jack Nimball) 14 4.95%
Vibe 8 2.83%
Cyclone 15 5.30%

Behind Toyman II (who I've never even HEARD of?)* Behind CYCLONE?! And you do not want me to start on "Gizmo". This must not stand.

Now, we all love Killer Moth. In fact, if Vibe were not on the list, KM would get my vote.

But Vibe is on the list. Vibe, who sacrificed his life to save an innocent. Vibe, who represented the Latin community as a superhero decades before Jaime Reyes. Vibe, who helped hold the Justice League together when most other heroes -- and editors -- had abandoned it as an outdated concept. Vibe, symbol of the Joy of Comics. Vibe: liver of life; lover of liver; breakdancer.

Go. Go now. Register (yes, it's free, silly) at HCRealms and represent the Absorbascon. Vote your conscience, vote for joy, vote for Vibe.

Or at least for Killer Moth or Ocean Master, cuz I'll be DANGED if Gizmo wins this...

*Please don't give me a lecture on who Toyman II is. I have internet access, too, you know.


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