Today, I'm stealing an idea from SallyP, and exploring further the question:

Who in the DCU is actually a Skrull?

Mary Marvel, for sure. I mean, the one we've been reading for the last year bears no resemblance in personality to any previous version in the character's 60 some years of history. Not only is Mary Marvel a Skrull, she's a Skrull with disproportionately large breasts.

All-Star Batman. Duh.

Panda. Because characters as annoying as Panda never really get killed.

Jean Loring. Bwa-haha! Just kidding. No mere Skrull could be as crazy/evil as Jean Loring!

Every Aquaman since 1972.

Jason Todd and Stephanie Brown. The real ones had the decency to stay dead, and the wisdom to stay dead, since they worked much better as martyrs than as living irritants.

President Luthor. Because the real Lex Luthor wouldn't have bothered to take a step down into the presidency, then do nothing either evil or useful in four years. I mean, even George W. Bush did something evil or useful in four years...!

The Penny Plunderer. You don't think the real Joe Coyne got sent to the chair, do you? As if.

The married Orca the Whalewoman who got killed. The real Orca is in the sea where she belongs, making it with King Shark, the Shark, and Captain Mako.

Vibe. I mean, the one who got killed. The real one is working on his tan in Rincon and planning his triumphant return to the JLA.

Who do YOU think is a Skrull in the DCU
(and please support your assertion)?


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