• It turns out I'm a Skrull!
  • Justice League Unlimited is the most sophisticated and moving examination of complex morality you will read in a comic book this week.
  • Mr. Fantastic should have kept his eye on his colleagues instead of on ... well, whatever it wound up hanging off of... .
  • Don't you just hate it when monsters from your bloodstream eat your hot to trot new neighbor...?
  • Just the very idea of Pied Piper playing "Macho Man" on a nose flute... .
  • LOL, Zatanna's a giant prop!
  • Bruce Wayne's very surprising and poorly timed reunion with Peyton Riley.
  • Somebody really should have thought twice before putting this dialog in Countdown: "Ohmygosh, is this nightmare ever going to end?" "Gods, I sure hope so." Oh, the comic book irony!
  • This is one time where the Dum Dum was a bullet, I guess.
  • The good news for the train robbers? There are only six people in the entire town. The bad news? One of them's Jonah Hex, who left me -- and one of his assailants -- speechless this month.
  • "Apparently, Batman has a soft spot for children."
  • Tomorrow's tour of the Baxter Building is canceled.
  • Hawkgirl being the one to spot the getaway truck.
  • Whoa; the SW6 Batch is in the Savage Lands!
  • Isn't it amazing how Kyle's hair stays that way no matter how many universes he escapes from?
  • I don't think I've ever seen anyone get his foot stuck is the bloated corpse of a horse before. I mean, not in a comic book.
  • So, what do you think Darkseid the Couch Potato was watching on the television before Mary showed up? American Idol? No; Top Chef, I bet.
  • An old style symbolic splash page opener for Jonah Hex, followed by a two-page silent synopsis of his entire life; masterful.
  • Wait; the Skrulls have ships that look like their faces? That's hilarious!
  • Mirror Master versus Fifi.
  • It ate Panda; yay!


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