in my comics this week.

  • A clever use for Superman Prime! And it just might turn the tide of battle... .
  • Bolshevik mutants.
  • Happy Terrill, back in action!
  • I don't think Blue Beetle is Teen Titans material, either; he's better than that.
  • It's always fun to see Scarface get riddled with bullets.
  • Fruit Boy. God bless you, Jim Shooter. I expect to see Fruit Boy meet Blockade Boy any day now.
  • Wonder Woman, and gorillas, fighting Nazis. Is there nothing Gail Simone cannot do?
  • Eclipso -- the real one -- returns and demonstrates diffraction.
  • See? Megan, like all Martians, is insane.
  • The Joker's teddy bear.
  • Donna Troy and the Myrmidons. Which, in case you don't already get it, it is not half bad Classical literature joke.
  • Good lord; Neon the Unknown!
  • Zork, zizz, cruk, and zeezee. Particularly zeezee, which makes so much sense it hurts.
  • "Chum". Nice touch!
  • Hey, Garth, "please put your hand down." Absolutely priceless.
  • I'm glad Cassie broke up with Tim. I don't think they're a good pair.
  • "Vitamin K".
  • Saturn Girl can animate unconscious bodies? Cool. Creepy.
  • Aquaman reads Superman & Batman the riot act.
  • I dislike Ravager more and more each time I see her. When is her comeuppance due?
  • Blue Beetle's crazy/ingenious plan, that leaves him naked and powerless in the hands of his enemies.
  • "I am pierced but remain unbowed." Hippolyta rocks. Please don't kill her. Again.
  • The fortitude of Black Condor. He is so hot.
  • The Spectre got pummelled; BWA-HA-HA!


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