in my comics this week.

  • Robin fighting on a giant bowling ball.
  • Learning that Batman actually trained Robin to fight on a giant bowling ball.
  • I think Jason Todd may have finally found where he belongs.
  • "I'm Donna Troy, bitch." For whatever criticisms you might have about Countdown, it did the impossible: taught me to love Donna Troy.
  • Just as it did during Amazons Attack, Catwoman gives us the best story from an outside crossover (Salvation Run). I pooh-poohed Salvation Run when I first heard of it, but I picked up issue 3 and really liked it. And the characteristization of the two group's leaders (Luthor the Mad Scientist versus Joker the Shrewd Opportunist) was spot-on.
  • "Blockbuster". Now THAT makes a lot of sense, and that's the kind of thing that character should be doing all the time.
  • Good to see Blue & Gold together again.
  • Lex Luthor making an energy detector out of cell phone in the time it takes two people to have a fight. I've missed that Lex Luthor.
  • So... is Barbara Gordon re-making Misfit into Batgirl, in her own image? Interesting... .
  • Oh my god. A woman with brown eyes. In a comic book!
  • The Return of Killer Shark, and he wants Zinda back. Zowie! Didn't see that one coming!
  • Speaking of Killer Shark.... Best. Ship. Ever.
  • I found myself wondering how Validus can "sniff" anything without a nose for a full minute before remembering that he also sees without having any eyes.
  • I thankful to be reminded and confirmed by the Countdown Special reprinting Kirby's New God stories, that, yes, I really do hate all that stuff. A lot. Still.
  • Tattooed Man's octopus. Sweet, sweet octopus.
  • Best Abbey Road reference I've ever seen (at least, in a comic book).
  • Hey, Doctor Polaris is back!
  • This "NonDead Ted" thing is going to be the most horribly tragic Best Intentions Gone Wrong story in collective comic book memory.
  • Wonder Woman seeing nothing intrinsically wrong with Salvation Run. But, of course; her people created Reformation Island.
  • A most unusual request for sanctuary!
  • Good lord; Vixen, Roy, and Hal... all using their brains!


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