... in my comics this week.

  • Countdown to Final Crisis #17, or, as I like to call it, "The All-Jean Loring Issue". Crazy whacked out Eclipso-evil Jean Loring alongside Earth-51 pre-psychotic wasp-waisted Jean Loring. And a flamethrower, of sorts. Jean -- either one -- gets more than she bargained for!
  • Speaking of the Atom, if you get invited to a barbecue in Ivytown, don't go.
  • Ra's keeps his receipts? That's hilarious.
  • When you're the Joker, it only takes you one panel to hijack a space shuttle.
  • I just love that all the very worst people in comics can be found in one place: Jonah Hex.
  • The Return of Aqualad the Pathetic Wuss! Shrieking like a little girl. YAY!!!!!!
  • The Crimson Avenger versus Harley Quinn. Priceless.
  • The Globe. Thank you, Mr. Dini. Now I demand he return, next issue, just like in the Golden Age. And I want him to team up with the Clock and fight Robin. Sincerely, Scipio G., Washington DC. P.S. Please bring back Vibe!
  • Note the background color changes in Teen Titans Year One between each segment of the story. Nicely done.
  • Mary Marvel makes a poor choice of vacation spots.
  • Legion 37. More from me on this later. Much more.
  • Aquaman on a seahorse. That never gets old.
  • Panda gets slapped. That's always funny!
  • Speaking of which... ouch! Maybe Robin can go live with Joey Jeremiah?
  • "I will not stand for it." Oh, black humor thy name is Jonah Hex.
  • Okay, I've never been a fan of Mongul, with his over-obvious "yellow hun invader" schtick. But darned if the DOMINATION house ad isn't eye-catching!
  • Wally West, the original Impulse.
  • "That was pointless and annoying" was pretty funny; plus, it took lots of guts to put that line in an issue of Countdown!
  • I adore the fact that Grant Morrison took, what, eight issues building the tedious Ra's Al Ghul back into a Big Bad, and Dini had Batman take him out in about eight pages and with fantastic irony.
  • Chinese arithmetic humor. Gets me every time.
  • Most original, and possibly best, visual representation of aquatic telepathy ever.
  • The Joker versus Zatanna. Yes, it's that easy.
  • Leave it to Palmiotti and Gray to make a charmingly unique addition to the "Starman" legacy!
  • Teen Titans Year One is not at all what I expected; it's much better. Eat your heart out, Frank Miller!
  • Ryan Choi in the stocks. Sigh. Really, sometimes it's as if they want us to write fanfic.
  • Please tell me I'm going to get to see Aquaman pimp-slap Aqualad next month. PLEASE.


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