in my comics this week.

  • "Well, it's a perfect mess, now." Monarch has a sense of humor!
  • Brains versus brawn.
  • "You gonna give him a kiss oR just go through his pockets?" Oh, Joker, you irreverent wag!
  • Nice silent Sinestro cameo.
  • The future JLA is composed of Legion rejects? So funny, on so many levels. And sad.
  • More dead New Gods! YAY! If they made Fatheads of the dead New Gods, I think I'd buy them.
  • Brainiac 5, still wearing that horrid magenta jumper with yellow boots; thank goodness!
  • Hal's birds. Who says Hal's not witty? Oh, wait; I do.
  • I just LOVE the Source's new outfit. Very populux.
  • Ah, the Guardians never learn, do they? The Alpha Lanterns do NOT inspire confidence!
  • Is Brainiac 5 also a descendent of Fonzie?
  • I'm glad Batman doesn't seem to know what's going on in his own book, because neither do I.
  • You have to love that one of the steps of Brainy's latest plan is, "Become dictator of my home planet."
  • I'm enjoying the UP versus Earth xenophobia storyline in Action, because it reminds me of the White Triangle storyline from the first Waid Legion.
  • You did notice those Black Hand symbols in the Guardian's eyes, didn't you? That would be a bad sign... .
  • Tusker? Storm-Boy? Golden boy? Eyeful frickin' Ethel? Did DC hire Blockade Boy as a ghost-writer?
  • As I always suspected, the New Gods are just the mushrooms that grew up on the corpses of the REAL gods.
  • Oh, my god. Earth-Man is, essentially, the Composite Superman. Fabulous.
  • I got the Batman & The Outsiders Showcase. If you think I hated Halo and Geo-Force before, you ain't seen nothing yet.
  • C'mon; give Crane the ring! At least for a week or two!
  • Whoa; crabby Scott Free is even worse than crabby Aquaman.
  • Yera Allon; yay!
  • NO. Not "swear us the chosen"; regardless of sequence, the case of the subject remain nominative. it needs to be "swear we the chosen". Now.
  • There seems to be an epidemic of "King Lear poses" among villains. Darkseid, sit up or just buy a recliner!

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I believe the first step is rescuing him from circus life.

Whoa. Robin likes it rough. Well, you know how circus folk are.

I'm guessing the Big Hunk wrote that one.

Oh, I don't know, Robin; Batman might be less upset than you think.
Particularly if you share with him the video.

Robin is rough trade, people.

And finally, the panel that made Baby Devin Greyson cry...

Robin's so tough, in fact, that when he plays drop the soap, he does want you to use the soap!

Got an email today from Myles in New Yawk who turned me on to an interview with Fab 5 Freddy and the story of a historical artifact from the early graffiti era recently discovered in SoHo (not the one in Taichung... err ...oddly enough?). If you're in, or on your way to, NYC, check out the Wild Style Exhibit.

The interview is below.

Recently a work of art, in the form of a graffiti wall, was discovered. It displays work by, Fab 5 Freddy, Futura 2000, Jean Michael Basquiat and others. The wall was only rumored to exist, but it was found behind layers of sheetrock and plumbing prior to its building being renovated to luxury lofts. The wall has been renamed "The 151 Wooster Wild Style Wall." The mural and 16 other works (Jean-Michel Basquiat, Fab 5 Freddy, Keith Haring, Kenny Scharf, and Ero) will be on display until February 15th at 151 Wooster Street New York, NY.

Below is the interview that Fab 5 Freddy gave to the up-and-coming singer/songwriter from New York, Miz Metro. In addition to her beautiful music and powerful voice, Miz Metro is very in touch with the underground street-art scene that has been in New York City for decades. To check out Miz Metro's music and see more pictures of The 151 Wooster Wild Style Wall, please go to .
Excerpts from Miz Metro's interview with Fab 5 Freddy151 Wooster Street SoHo NY, November 2007

MM: How did you come to write on this wall? When did you first visit 151 Wooster?
F5F: This woman Edit DeAK who's house this was, a really noted art critic told me "come and paint on the walls" - she just let it happen - when right outside people were like, "Ugh, that's horrible. Get those guys out of here." She was able to see things that now many people see and understand. Now they use this style of painting to represent hip, young, cool - the music does the same thing, you know about that. It was something I definitely saw was a lot bigger then it was, but I had no idea 25 years later I'd be standing here in-front of this wall dropping this history like we uncovered some secret tomb.
MM: Looking at all of this, how does it make you feel?
F5F: It feels great, when I saw all this and got wind of it, it just made me think about what point I was at, and all the other things that I was about to do. So now 20-plus years later it's like the preverbal mark on the wall… The thing I like about seeing it is a lot of people would look at this and try to say "I like when you do the big colorful things, but I don't like it when it's all the scribbles" - but I like that too. On the more artistic side, I was the urban nerdy kid who hung out in the museums, I was on the street corners doing my thing but I knew about Jackson Pollack, I knew about Franz Kline, so I was seeing how abstract painters are inspired by the calligraphic history of it all… The interconnected craziness turns it into a whole thing like what you have here [pointing to The 151 Wooster Mural], which really represents the wild energy of it all from that period.
MM: Is it significant that "Wild Style" is actually written on the wall?
F5F: Yeah, well there was a crew named Wild Style, wild style was actually a style of graffiti - of the really interconnected pieces… Charlie [Ahearn] and I named our movie "Wild Style" - the first film on Hip Hop culture to really speak so broadly to specifically that style of work.
MM: Looking back on all this I'm curious to know how you feel about hip hop and the culture it is today. On MTV, you hosted the first international show that really brought hip hop around the world. Now it's a phenomenon in all these other countries. How do you feel about that?
F5F: I feel great about it, I'm very much so still a part of it. Today I produced a show for VH1 called "Hip Hop Honors"… As a producer of the show I was honored, along with Charlie Ahearn, for producing and being a part of the film "Wild Style". I'm really happy to see the culture go beyond my wildest dreams, or imaginations of where it could go. It's a great thing to see people in different countries, from different places and different spaces being a part of this interesting culture. It's really great.
MM: It seems like everything that you were a part of putting out there into the mainstream was very positive. How do you feel about the different directions that Hip Hop has taken?
F5F: In general the good parts of Hip Hop are still probably the most important, and I'm not just being biased. I think it's probably the most important cultural force that's emerged, without question, in the last 100 years because it continues to thrive and grow in every aspect… In America there's so much of a commercial, watered down, "lets just get the money" vibe, but when you go to every other country around the world - all over Europe, all over Asia, all over Africa - people take up this culture to give themselves a voice. They don't have outlets to media that we have, the outlet to galleries, so people have picked up these forms to express themselves in ways that are really beyond comprehension. There's nothing really that you can compare to what goes on with people picking up spray paint, and grabbing the microphone, scratching some records to kind of make a sound, and giving people a vibe that they mean something. That's the important thing about [Hip Hop] to me.
MM: You mentioned that one of the main things asked by the press was "How long is this going to last?" Were you aware that this movement was something that was going to go beyond what was happening in the Bronx, Harlem, and Brooklyn?
F5F: To a certain extent I did… I knew the amount of kids throughout the city that were avidly into this but [in 1980] it was still a big secret to the rest of the country and the rest of the world… I knew that once people got a sense of it, got to see it, got to understand it - they would at least be able to appreciate it. [In the 1980's] if you were Black or Puerto Rican and you were wearing street cloths, whenever you would see [graffiti] images in the press it was negative, it was crime - like "these are the bad guys"…. I wanted to help make a film to see images of people that look like me that were doing something. That's why, as a painter, my "Swan Song" on the subway system was an homage to Andy Warhol; I did a whole subway car painted with Campbell soup cans to let people know - "wow some of those kids that are doing those trains must know about art." Warhol was somebody that I really admired as an artist… He redefined what an artist could be in this pop culture and I was very fascinated - myself, Jean-Michel, and Keith Haring were all thinking about that aggressively, talking about it, then doing our own thing based on that history.

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There was something in my comics that did not make me happy this week. In fact, it made me crabby.

It makes Mera crabby.
It also makes Aqualad crabby.

What makes us crabby is...
crabby Aquaman.

This scene is from the most recent issue of Superman/Batman, which I bought simply because it had (fake) Aquaman in it. After all, he's the only Aquaman we currently have.

The culprit is writer Michael Green. Foo on you, Mister Green, using Aquaman as a poor man's Namor, in a story that defies both common sense and previous characterization.

The story defies common sense. Batman and Superman are going about on the quest to sweep up all the kryptonite that fell to Earth when Supergirl arrived. The biggest chunk is in the ocean. Incomprehensibly, prefaced only by some irrelevant palaver about the seas not being spoils, Aquaman (that is, Aquaman Junior, not the real Aquaman) picks a fight with Superman and Batman.

So, the world's largest single chunk of radioactive rock is poisoning the ocean floor and the site of an ancient Atlantean outpost, and Aquaman doesn't want it removed? That's simply moronic. It's not gold or diamonds nor part of some undersea history, it's a dangerous extraterrestrial material. Furthermore, some supervillain is eventually going to come looking for if the World's Finest don't cart it away. And that supervillain will not sit around chatting with Art Junior about it; he'll kill him and carry off whatever he wants. Look, I'm not a huge fan of Art Junior, but he's not a moron, for pity's sake.

Author Green just wanted somebody to actually question Superman and Batman's assumption that the world should be made safe for Superman. I get that. But it's also moronic.

Says Li'l Aquaman: "I will never understand this about you, Superman. It never once occurred to you that the world wouldn't be grateful for a savior." Uh, yeah. Interesting point. But I'm pretty sure if you polled the people of the DCU the general attitude would be, "Yes, on a scale of 1 to 5, I'm glad Superman was around to save us from that meteorite / invading space armada / cabal of crazed supervillains / Jimmy Olsen in a dress."

Green must be thinking of the ungrateful people of the Marvel Universe, who after 50 years still hate and mistrust the people who save their asses once a week. I guess that's also where he got the ideas that it's okay for heroes to attack other heroes, and the absurd idea that this Aquaman, to make some very abstract and not immediately appropriate point, would assault Superman and Batman, risking both of their lives.

Anyway, it's not just people in the DCU who think having a savior might be nice. People in our world love the idea of having a savior, so much so that over 2 billion of them have convinced themselves that a Middle Eastern carpenter who died two thousand years ago was the son of God. Yeah, I'd say people like the idea of having a savior a lot.

You know what makes Aquaman's role in this issue even stupider? Do you remember what the last thing this Aquaman did in his own title before it was cancelled? Saved the world (or at least, most major popular centers from being sunk into the sea). Did he ask anyone whether they wanted a savior? No, thank goodness. He did what heroes do; he saved the day without being asked to.

You know what make it even stupider-er? When's the last time this Aquaman and Superman saw each other? Yes, that would be when Superman risked his own life to save Aquaman (and others) from the Collector. Aquaman seemed pretty darned grateful to have a savior at the time.

This Aquaman has clearly demonstrated he understands both the need to be a savior and the need to have one sometimes. Mr. Green, have ever read this character in anything or were you too focused on making your point to choose an appropriate character for doing so?

It seems that this Aquaman was made crabby simply because that was how people had been using the previous one... .

You know, originally, Aquaman was a fun guy. The kind of guy you could easily picture dancing in the aisle at a supermarket to the musak.

The kind of guy who would defeat Extraterrestrial Sea-Men and the Rainbow Cannons after making fools out of them using a goldfish and aquatelepathic ventriloquism.

It all went wrong when he was demoted from King of the Sea
to King of Atlantis.
I guess that's enough to make anyone crabby. As the King of the Sea, Aquaman got to wander anywhere he wanted (in the sea), making fools out of pirates, saving lives, and teaching much needing lessons, like boating safety, hair care, and how to make a kazoo out of comb.

As King of Atlantis, he was stuck in one decrepit old European town, trapped in a bubble at the bottom of sea, which suffered and attack or an insurrection twice a month, and whose inhabitants were the thickest bunch of pinheaded ingrates outside of Marvel's Manhattan. So contemptible were the Atlanteans, Aquaman couldn't find even one suitable to be his queen, and he had to marry Mera the Mail-Order Bride from Dimension Aqua.

Because of Atlantis, Aquaman slowly but surely became a poor man's Namor rather than the witty, brave, and ingenious monarch of the sea he had been before. Crabbiness has eaten away at him like a cancer and appears for no reason to have infected his junior counterpart as well.

But Atlantis is gone now (pretty much) and the current Aquaman, Artie Junior, has no such ball and chain. Then why is he so crabby, Mr. Green?

Maybe he's figured out that Dan Didio is finally going to let him be killed off so Geoff Johns can bring back the real Aquaman... ?

P.S. In case you're wondering how the real Aquaman would react to such a situation...
He would publicly humiliate himself by losing an international olympic competition to that big-headed purpled-eyed freak, Aqualad, just to keep anyone from getting their hands on the kryptonite. THAT's how the real Aquaman was.

Well, I think we finally have the Nightwing we've all been waiting for.

At least, in Heroclix.

There's already been a Nightwing Heroclix figure; it was in the first DC set. But in the first set Heroclix designers didn't quite have the hang of how to use the dials and the mechanics of the game to represent comic book characters.

The original figure did do some cool things, particularly his double incapacitate, which allowed him to paralyze two opponents with one attack. But, like many early figures, he had a glass jaw and very little utility in his lower dial.

Naturally, this did not please the Wingnut crowd, and they've been clamoring in vain for a new Nightwing in each subsequent DC set. They've had no luck and had to stand by and watch Wizkids put out the Vampire Batman, Batman With Kryptonite Gloves, the Golden Age Batman, Kingdom Come Batman, Parachuting Batman, Batman One Million, and Batman&Robin. Even worse, they've had to stand by like ill-coutured bridesmaids as Wizkids, rather than making a new Nightwing, wasted slots on figures like Lady Shiva, two Starfires, the Human Defense Corps, Kobra, Maxima, Rocket Red, Jade, Jinx, Hyena, Azrael, the Shining Knight, Black Mask, Katana, Vixen, Alloy, Copperhed, Aztek, Firehawk, Merlin, Zauriel...

and Geo-Force. Shudder. I mean, Geo-Force; really.

But for the Wingnuts, the sun has now risen! I can't imagine how many of these little boys'll be under Devin Greyson's pillows. So to speak.

Dual Membership Nightwing can use the Outsiders and Titans team abilities and possesses the Outsiders and Titans team symbols.
Nightwing can divide his time among all those teams for the first three slots of his dial, when he also has another special power to give him some mobility and protection:
Acrobat Nightwing can use Combat Reflexes, Energy Shield/Deflection, and Leap/Climb.
That’s a +2 to his defense against both ranged and close combat attacks, and even if the power is countered by an opponent’s Outwit, his defense values remain solid. Pair that with a 6 range for his BATARANGS (Incapacitate) and Leadership on his opening slot, and he’s ready to lead his allies into battle and set up his opponents for his friends’ attacks.

Past his opening slot, Nightwing provides cover for himself and his allies using SMOKE PELLETS (Smoke Cloud) and can tweak combat values as needed, since he was TRAINED BY THE BAT (Perplex).

Deeper in his dial, Nightwing’s combat values remain steady—with his defense value even climbing back up (still buffered by Combat Reflexes!) as he gets his second wind and his final special power:
Fisticuffs Nightwing can use Flurry.

Holy hot stuff! What a great dial! Now, the whole Outsider and Titan abilities thing doesn't thrill me, because I find those abilities dumb and confusing, and the teams they represent don't interest me much either. But his very strong defensive abilities are a great plus and a dial full of Perplex and Outwit makes him a great addition to the Batman Family.

The new Nightwing dial is a perfect example of using the "Special Powers" mechanic to overcome a design flaw in the original set up of the Heroclix dial, that is, the inability to give a figure more than one power in the same place on its dial.

  • Wizkids has used to special powers to give Nightwing not one, not two, but three team abilities at the same time.
  • One of those is the Batman Ability, which, being equivalent to Stealth, allows Nightwing to have that wicked combo of Stealth (the ability to hide in certain terrain, forcing your opponents to attack you in close combat instead of from a distance) and Leap/Climb (the ability to leap away before an opponent can make a close combat attack!).
  • Similarly, "Fisticuffs" lets Nightwing have Flurry, too (the ability to make two close combat attacks against an opponent in the same turn). So, while on a old dial, a figure would have been able to have only one of the three powers Flurry, Leap/Climb, and Stealth, Nightwing has all three at the same time!
  • And, of course, "Acrobat" gives Nightwing two defensive powers at the same time (which certainly solves his old "glass jaw" problem!).

With this newly useful Nightwing, look for a return to some classic Batfamily teams, like

  1. The wickedly sneaky "Out of the Shadows" Batman (74 points)
  2. The new multipurpose Nightwing (79 points)
  3. The Batman Team Tim Drake/Robin (42 points).
  4. Put the "Flashbang" feat (5 points) that lets a figure use its Smoke Cloud as a free action on any one of these guys (probably Batman, though)!

Now, that's 200 points of pure batarang-bopping fun!

Wizkids finally "gets" Nightwing (which is more than I can currently say for DC). Maybe we should have the the Wizkids designers write Nightwing's series, too...?

Just when you think it can't get any sweeter...!

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in my comics this week.

  • A clever use for Superman Prime! And it just might turn the tide of battle... .
  • Bolshevik mutants.
  • Happy Terrill, back in action!
  • I don't think Blue Beetle is Teen Titans material, either; he's better than that.
  • It's always fun to see Scarface get riddled with bullets.
  • Fruit Boy. God bless you, Jim Shooter. I expect to see Fruit Boy meet Blockade Boy any day now.
  • Wonder Woman, and gorillas, fighting Nazis. Is there nothing Gail Simone cannot do?
  • Eclipso -- the real one -- returns and demonstrates diffraction.
  • See? Megan, like all Martians, is insane.
  • The Joker's teddy bear.
  • Donna Troy and the Myrmidons. Which, in case you don't already get it, it is not half bad Classical literature joke.
  • Good lord; Neon the Unknown!
  • Zork, zizz, cruk, and zeezee. Particularly zeezee, which makes so much sense it hurts.
  • "Chum". Nice touch!
  • Hey, Garth, "please put your hand down." Absolutely priceless.
  • I'm glad Cassie broke up with Tim. I don't think they're a good pair.
  • "Vitamin K".
  • Saturn Girl can animate unconscious bodies? Cool. Creepy.
  • Aquaman reads Superman & Batman the riot act.
  • I dislike Ravager more and more each time I see her. When is her comeuppance due?
  • Blue Beetle's crazy/ingenious plan, that leaves him naked and powerless in the hands of his enemies.
  • "I am pierced but remain unbowed." Hippolyta rocks. Please don't kill her. Again.
  • The fortitude of Black Condor. He is so hot.
  • The Spectre got pummelled; BWA-HA-HA!

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In other zany news, there are four (!) new previews available of the forthcoming DC Heroclix set, Crisis.

Psimon, Forerunner, and Klarion don't float my boat; nice dials, but the characters don't interest me.

But Mercury of the Metal Man? Hot liquid dang at room temperature!Best part? He's only 25 points! And a fairly useful 25 points, at that...

Leap/Climb, Smoke Cloud, Flurry, Shape Change. He sort of ... Robinesque.

Now I wonder whether the rest of the Metal Men will each be 25 points or a similarly low number, resulting in easy composed 100/200 point Metal Men teams.

They need a Doc Magnus figure with some Outwit, some Leadership, and lots of a special power, say, "REPAIR", that grants him Support for figures with the Metal Men keyword (or even the Robot keyword, since he seems to be the go-to guy for robot repair).

What are you expecting now from the other Metal Men? Will Gold and Platinum have Elasticity? Will Lead have Defend or Barrier? Will Iron have Toughness? Will Tin have... okay, what the heck would Tin have?

Heath Ledger, dead at 28.

Well, that's a surprise.

I'm assuming that since the Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus was still filming, and that The Dark Knight is in post-production, that the Dark Knight will wind up being his final movie and the Joker his last finished role.

Whether his death turns out to have been suicide or an accident, it's certainly going to lend even more gravitas (and pathos) to his portrayal of the nihilistic Joker, the role that was expected to put him on a whole new level as an actor.

Naturally, Ledger's had quite a few interesting roles, even for one who was so young. But for those of us who are comic book fans, this is surely be the one that will matter most. There are only a handful of people who've portrayed the Joker: the effervescent Cesar Romero, the unpredictable Mark Hamill, the predictable Jack Nicholson, the reliable Ted Knight, the remarkable Kevin Michael Richardson, and, now,

the late Heath Ledger.

I welcome his forthcoming addition to his own legacy and that of the role of the Joker.

I'm going to see a traveling production of the Argonautika that's now here in DC. That's a play that's been made out of a poem that Apollonius Rhodius wrote about the Argonauts. I know a lot of people have heard of the Argonauts, but don't know much about them.

The Argonauts were kind of the ancient mythic version of the Justice League/Society, a collection of all the big heroes and doers of deeds of the day. A lot of the Argonauts were also in other big crossover events of the time, like the Calydonian Boar Hunt and the Trojan War. To help you understand them, I thought I'd explain in terms of the heroes we read about today.

By the way, if all those movies about the Argonauts had used some of the cool powers the original gang had, they would have been a lot more interesting, kind of like Heroes with nothing but oily dark-haired men in scanty costumes... !

Nestor was a tedious old windbag who was about 110, and was full of unwanted advice and lectures about how much better people were in the old days. Whenever Nestor opened his mouth, that's pretty much the readers clue to kick back and put your feet up, and pretend your visiting you're grandfather. For Nestor, read ALAN SCOTT.

Zetes and Calais were brothers. They actually had wings and could fly, because of their crazy origin of being the kids of the King of the Winds, Boreas. They were also really horny devils, because they were always pestering Hylas, the group's pretty boy. So, despite the gender difference think of them as HAWKMAN and HAWKGIRL.

Herakles I'm sure you already know; big strong man. Ordinarily, I'd want to associate Herakles with Superman, the JLA's strong man. But Herakles was generally portrayed as bone stupid. Therefore, for Herakles imagine HAL JORDAN.

Herakles had a little sidekick (lover, really), his cousin, Hylas. Hylas was a total pretty boy and always getting in trouble because of it. For Hylas, imagine KYLE RAYNER.

Okay, seriously, Herakles was so powerful that he actually created story-telling problems (since he could pretty much single-handedly beat the snot out of anyone the Argonauts encountered). In that sense, he is very very much SUPERMAN.

Odysseus was the Smart One. Oh, sure, he could fight, but he preferred to use his wiles and wits. He also had a really popular stand alone book of his own, where he fought lots of bizarre enemies. For Odysseus, picture BATMAN.

Philoctetes was a master bowman whose feet stank. Nobody could stand him, so the other heroes marooned him on an island. For Philoctetes, read GREEN ARROW.

Tiphys was the original master helmsman of the Argonauts ship, but he died mysteriously and was replaced by Ancaeus, another helmsman who had little use for religion or prophecy. For Tiphys and Ancaeus, I choose the original and the new MISTER TERRIFIC.

Atalanta. Well, she was strong and fast. And the only woman. That pretty much makes her WONDER WOMAN, by default.

Argus was the builder, the designer; he made their ship, modestly naming it the Argo. That would have to be JOHN STEWART, I guess, since he's the only architect/designer in the entire DCUniverse.

Butes was a great lover, a king, and a bee keeper. So even though he was more of a queen, we give this one to THE RED BEE.

Euphemus could walk on water ... literally. That's because he was the son of Poseidon, god of the sea. So Euphemus kind of has to be AQUAMAN.

Autolycus (yeah, like the guy on Xena, *sigh*) was a master thief and infiltrator. So to me that's got to be the quiet and sneaky MARTIAN MANHUNTER.

Orpheus is remembered mostly as a musician, but he practiced medicine, augury, and the magical arts. He was a magical utility tool, so we name him DR. FATE.

Medea was a trampy, vicious, witch. No contest: ZATANNA.

Iphiclus was a very fast runner and had trouble with impotence. Yes, really. Let Iphiclus be THE FLASH.

Aethalides; cool guy. He was the son of Hermes from whom he received the gift of total recall. Ironic that some one who could forget nothing is no longer remembered. He was the herald of the Argonauts. Let's term him ORACLE.

Bellerophon. Well, he did lots of cool stuff, but really he's remembered because of his flying horse, Pegasus, so THE SHINING KNIGHT is not a bad way to think of him.

Oh, you thought Perseus had Pergasus? No, that's a Renaissance add-on to his myth, perpetuated by Harry Hamlin. Don't believe everything you see in the movies, folks. Perseus had no natural superpowers, but was really smart and had a knack for picking up superpowerful objects and using them to kill crazy monsters and villains. Let's think of him as THE GOLDEN AGE STARMAN.

Poriclymenus had the superpower of shape-shifting into different animals. No, I'm not making this stuff up. Poriclymenus is BEAST BOY.

Lynceus had supersight, even X-ray vision. Not much more too him than that, and the closest thing I can come up with is DR. MID-NIGHT.

Jason was a very accomplished, naturally noble youth who tended to sleep with people he shouldn't. Let's just call him NIGHTWING, for short.

Polydeuces had a lot of relationships with Big People in Big Myths. But we don't care about that. Polydeuces was a great boxer, having defeated the great boxer and demigod Amycus. So Polydeuces can be WILDCAT.

There are lots of more Argonauts-- around 50 total -- but many of those are colorless also-rans.

We call them GEO-FORCE.

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More and more of the forthcoming Crisis set of Heroclix is being released, and, while some of it interests me less than zero (e.g., Harbinger, Mammoth, Jericho), other figures are simply peachy.

I've previously mentioned my joy at Uncle Sam, but now we're getting some love for the original Teen Titans, too! They are nice low-cost figures with unique tactical advantages that make them very playable figures, without needing to be high-powered brutes.

The new, original Kid Flash figure doesn't just have hypersonic speed. He has the special ability to run at hyperspeed up walls or through them! And he has another special power that let's him blow adjacent foes away with a little tornado, using Force Blast as a free action. Finally, a Flash who can do what Flashes do. And at 45 points, he's a steal.

The new, original Wonder Girl has many of the standard powers you'd expect: Flurry and Charge to represent her speed, Superstrength and Toughness, Leap/Climb for agility, and Deflection for bullets and bracelets. At 94 points, she's the costliest of the New Original Teen Titans. But she's not just another flying chick brick!

She's got some Running Shot and a special "Tie Up" power that let's her incapacitate two foes who are adjacent to each other. What an amusing, accurate, and useful way of representing her use of her lasso! Look for her to be the new antidote to flying foes who are 'taxiing' tank-like buddies. Plus, she's got Enhancement, the ability to increase the damage done by adjacent allies. So expect her to be regularly accompanied by her new best friend...

Speedy, the Boy Bowman. Oh, this one's just a masterpiece. He's got some predictable standards: "Grappling Hook Arrow" (Leap/Climb), "Dodge" (Deflection), "Determined" (Willpower), "Speedy" (Running Shot). But it's his special powers that shine.

"Brave Bow's Apprentice" gives him a plus +1 attack value on a ranged attack. This is something all the bowslingers should have! But his special "Trick Arrows" ability lets him dissolve barrier markers ("acid arrows"!) or dissipate smoke barrier markers ("fan arrows"!); three at a time! Previously, there was no figure that could effectively deal with these kinds of barriers, and Speedy's going to be a very popular guy, particularly when teamed with other long-range fighters (such as the other members of the Arrow family). Like Kid Flash, he's a mere 45 fricking points and a steal.

Of course, I've saved my favorite for last: the Big-Headed Purple-Eyed Freak figure. Or, as some people call him, Aqualad. He's got the requisite Superstrength, Willpower, Toughness, and Aquatic ability. But the Maritime Goofus also has a special power, Up From the Depths, that grants him Charge, plus blocking any line of fire to him as long as he is in a water square. And I mean any line of fire; those neat little tricks like the Superman Ability that ordinarily might let you fire at hidden figures do NOT work on Aqualad. Yes, the Chicken of the Sea's special power is ... hiding.

And I simply love it.

in my comics this week.

  • Robin fighting on a giant bowling ball.
  • Learning that Batman actually trained Robin to fight on a giant bowling ball.
  • I think Jason Todd may have finally found where he belongs.
  • "I'm Donna Troy, bitch." For whatever criticisms you might have about Countdown, it did the impossible: taught me to love Donna Troy.
  • Just as it did during Amazons Attack, Catwoman gives us the best story from an outside crossover (Salvation Run). I pooh-poohed Salvation Run when I first heard of it, but I picked up issue 3 and really liked it. And the characteristization of the two group's leaders (Luthor the Mad Scientist versus Joker the Shrewd Opportunist) was spot-on.
  • "Blockbuster". Now THAT makes a lot of sense, and that's the kind of thing that character should be doing all the time.
  • Good to see Blue & Gold together again.
  • Lex Luthor making an energy detector out of cell phone in the time it takes two people to have a fight. I've missed that Lex Luthor.
  • So... is Barbara Gordon re-making Misfit into Batgirl, in her own image? Interesting... .
  • Oh my god. A woman with brown eyes. In a comic book!
  • The Return of Killer Shark, and he wants Zinda back. Zowie! Didn't see that one coming!
  • Speaking of Killer Shark.... Best. Ship. Ever.
  • I found myself wondering how Validus can "sniff" anything without a nose for a full minute before remembering that he also sees without having any eyes.
  • I thankful to be reminded and confirmed by the Countdown Special reprinting Kirby's New God stories, that, yes, I really do hate all that stuff. A lot. Still.
  • Tattooed Man's octopus. Sweet, sweet octopus.
  • Best Abbey Road reference I've ever seen (at least, in a comic book).
  • Hey, Doctor Polaris is back!
  • This "NonDead Ted" thing is going to be the most horribly tragic Best Intentions Gone Wrong story in collective comic book memory.
  • Wonder Woman seeing nothing intrinsically wrong with Salvation Run. But, of course; her people created Reformation Island.
  • A most unusual request for sanctuary!
  • Good lord; Vixen, Roy, and Hal... all using their brains!

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Stay with us for part 2 of Extreme Best Wallpaper Pack : Hi-Resolution

I have been very sick. I am trying to recover from pneumonia. Please forgive my absence and enjoy the archives until I can return to health and posting.

From the Showcase Presents: Robin the Boy Wonder

"I'm not studying astro-mechanics for nothing!"
You'd be surprised how often three-body problems come up in crimefighting.

"Just call me Wary Harry!"
Really; isn't "Dick" bad enough?

"If Dick Grayson's face breaks out at the same time as Robin's, my secret identity is blown!"
From the story where Robin invents Clearasil Ultra Tinted Acne Treatment in chem lab.

"I think worrying about acne is what Bats would call alter-ego-ism."
Or, as regular people call it, vanity.

"Sorry, no happiness deliveries today!"
Okay, now we know how he put himself through college.

"In Gotham High, we're all friends!"
Good lord, Robin goes to DeGrassi.

"I recognize their leader-- Tommy the Tramp!"
Well, when you're all friends, word gets around fast.

"Pretty neat idea of mine, disguising a collapsible costume as a tie."
Robin versus Tim Gunn.

"URTCH'H! My--cape! Hooked-on-window!"
Shoulda listened to Edna Mode, dearie.

"We could use a small, high-powered rocketship in our work, couldn't we, Jimmy?"
Okay, fine; maybe astro-mechanics does come in handy.

"Don't like the idea of tackling a 70 year old man, but I've got to!"
Robin versus Tim Gunn, Round 2.

"Well, by golly, if the world can take a man like 'Babe' Ruth -- the greatest slugger baseball has ever known-- then I suppose the world can also stand a guy proud to call himself...Robin!"
I'd worry less about the name 'Robin', than your tendency to say things like 'by golly'.

"I go for Davy's togetherness!"
It comes with Happiness delivery (along with bread sticks).

"How can I resist-- I've always wondered what computer fans did at a meeting!"
Sarcasm ill-behooves you, Dick.

"With the world the shape it's in, maybe the Jesus people are right."
This is from the story where Robin discovers Two-Face is behind Young Life.

"Almost as if the Lunar Model had a mind of its own!"
I think someone's been studying too much astro-mechanics.

Isn't it ironic? Dressed up as yourself, a risk supremely dumb.

Isn't it ironic?
Superman can write that Brainiac's a dunce.

I see the blade a swaying on the guillotine above
While Batman looks on saying, "This was made for love...".

Bitterly ironic
Being non-super, a normal girl like this.

Isn't it ironic?

Every time he's tried, my foe Lex Luthor's missed.
Green monkey is kryptonite, Does it mean that I will fall and it kill me?
Is it irony?


Green monkey is kryptonite, Does it mean that I will fall and it kill me? Isn't it ironic?
Is it irony?

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Abstract & Natures Hi-Resolution wallpapers

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