Well, while the--

I did not say that.

While the Wind Pirate is bloviating in his Kirby Cube high above the earth, where is Jean Loring?

Yes, Atom, we know; that's the problem. More specifically, she has, for no apparent reason, magically appeared in the undersea kingdom of Lemuria.

Oh, Name-Or; you say "hopelessly" like it's a bad thing.

There, when she sees her One True Love, Ray Palmer, again,

she's shocked back into sanity and they have a tearful lover's reunion...

"Today's episode is brought to you by the letter E."

Psych! You didn't really believe that, did you? This is Jean Loring, people!

Atom's buddy Aquaman, of course, always knows the wrong thing to say:

"Terribly disturbed? In a psychotic state? Um, yeah, Arthur, that's the Jean Loring I know. Who do you think bought me this tie?"

So, the Atom decides to just shrink down and punch the Crazy Evil out of Jean Loring's brain,

while Captain Comet gets his hair done. Really.

"In my business, you meet so many interesting people; bobby pins, please.
But the most interesting ones are the mutants."


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