I adore this photo but have no idea where it is from...If it is yours, please let me know! 

I'm thinking of doing a week of my favorite designers. Not surprisingly, three out of the four are French! The first is a bit of dreamy Chanel to kick off this glorious holiday week. 

I am in LOVE with these little Chanel booties, I have the perfect vintage Dior cocktail dress to wear with them (am I the only one that selects the shoes and then builds the outfit?)


Oh my, oh my!!! This is too stunning! I'm not really one to wear brooches, however, I can surely find a spot for this little lovely! Perhaps I can tuck it into a messy bun, thread it through a shoe strap, or secure a scarf with it. Hmmm... 

                Paris Parfait

Tulle, Aqua, quilted strappy wedges...This can only be a Chanel vitrine in Paris! What a dream.

Elena Glurdjidze, dancing The Dying Swan for Lagerfeld during her final fitting at Chanel

I think I have posted this image before, but it is just too gorgeous. It combines my love of ballet and my love of Karl Lagerfeld...perfection.


Finally, for all of you out there in the middle of a storm a Chanel umbrella. It has been raining for days here in Southern California and I love it! I love that the rain waters the plants and cleans the roads. I love the sound of the rain and the snuggling near the fireplace. Try to stay dry while out there shopping and prepping for this special weekend!

À la prochaine


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