in my comics this week.

  • Really, I can't remember the last time I saw Aquaman say, "YIPPEE!"
  • Lek lokok nak.
  • Matt Bensen's ingenious out of the box solution.
  • Wally versus George Washington.
  • Walker finds what he's looking for... in himself.
  • The Heroes' Holiday.
  • ... versus mailmen? OMG, when I figured it out, I nearly laughed my fool head off.
  • The helpfulness of Dr. Arkham.
  • The return of Bruce Wayne, billionaire philanthropist.
  • Tempest's argument with Mera; sorry, I think Mera wins.
  • The Wonder Woman and John Stewart discuss equal rights with the Founding Fathers.
  • In case any one ever needs to check for any reason, I, too, only have 28 teeth.
  • Hal updates Barry, in 3D.
  • Even dead, the Elongated Man is still a jerk.
  • The Flash versus Barry Allen. Absolutely priceless...!
  • Yeah, Carol looks really safe, LOL...
  • I finally have some real respect for Thomas Elliot. Great move.
  • "Sounds like flies".
  • Element Dog. I just keeping saying it, again and again: Element Dog. And I smile each time.
  • Hey, she really is an investigative report, isn't she? You go, Lo-lo!
  • Oh, no. Not Bzzzt!
  • Chronos's Washington Monument. Nearly laughed my fool head off.
  • Carter and Kendra have new jobs!
  • "I'm sure anywhere you go in the universe, you'll find stupid people."


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