in my comics this week.

  • "Three weeks from now"? Interesting; I look forward to finding out who's beating the crap out of Batman, and why.
  • Barry's benday fade-out.
  • William Hand's unusual career move.
  • The severe change in Black Canary's origin. I approve.
  • Superman's xenophobia...?
  • Kara's pet problems.
  • So.... I assume Tim Wayne owns Wayne Enterprises now?
  • Two-Face --wisely -- insisting on seeing things from more than one perspective, and the knowledge that gives him.
  • Sean Sonus: classic villain origin!
  • Coast City Googie.
  • Wait are those Parasite-hatchlings or what? Ick.
  • "They resemble nothing less than the mandrillus sphinx monkey of the family cercopithecidae..."
  • Billy loses his Marbles.
  • Batman and Gordon, helpless.
  • Why Dick talks so much.
  • Page two of Green Lantern. Whoa, Blackest Night is going to be very unpleasant, and in the best possible way.
  • "I knew Sapphire's fondness for giant clams would get her into trouble."
  • Anticipation may not be good for him, but I'm sure enjoying it!
  • The Kamandi footer.
  • A ball gown made of Kevlar. Heh.
  • "Cretinous, mouth-breathing, leg breaker." Now that is how the Penguin should sound.
  • The Metal Men's fashion sense.
  • Best. Costume origin. Ever.
  • I bet the Sergeant's mother's maiden name was Jordan.
  • Simon's selchamorphic dirigible.
  • Just like the last time you destroyed the school. Heh.
  • Deadman noir.
  • Heh. We do all remember what the essential message of "Easter" is, don't we?


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