All images from The Cherry Blossom Girl

I found this great blog called the The Cherry Blossom Girl. I don't know if you have heard of it already but I just stumbled upon it and it is pure magic! I have had so much fun poking around her site & I hope you do too!

She posts mostly about fashion and accessories, but also about Paris, travel, shopping, and decor. It's just fun!
Her images are enchanting, sometimes you may find a photo or two that may have mildy disturbing images but is all very artistic (just a warning, just in case). For the most part the images are very artsy and just wonderful as you can see here.

Her love of fashion is contagious! Her finds scrumptious!

You will find a lot of whimsy and fantasy here!

Winter in Paris!

I'm infatuated with this wallpaper! I love birdcages! The colors are fantastic!

I love all of her shoes! She's a girl after my own heart!

Her images of Paris in the Christmas season are stunning!
I had an entirely different post in mind today, however, I spent so much time at her blog that I have squandered all of my (very little) time today! I will postpone my intended post until tomorrow (it's a good one) and leave you with this eye candy for now! Have a lovely evening and...
Bisou Mon Amis!


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