in my comics this week.

  • God Squad collectible cards.
  • Are there really women who'd rather kick your ass then talk things out, and, if so, aren't they terribly, terribly popular?
  • "Inertia". Tom Peyer is a very clever man and you should read his comics.
  • Kids; they grow up so fast, don't they, Wally?
  • C'mon, Batman; even I knew you were about to get throttled!
  • "Define 'okay'." If you're not reading SuperFriends, you're missing some of the best characterization on the stands.
  • B-black Canary... being a.. a leader? In two different books?! I almost fainted!
  • I can't believe a read a comic where the villain is Ding Dong Daddy; and I loved it.
  • "Did she use kryptonite?" God he's such a moron.
  • When Batman tells you to clean your cave, you do it.
  • Superman baking a loaf a bread... the size of a factory.
  • Firestorm pulls a Jordan.
  • Kirby is a good name for a dog.
  • Don't knock her up? I can't believe I read that. I can't believe he said that. Not even him.
  • So, from whom do you think Vixen borrowed the ability to make her ariolae disappear? Hawkgirl, maybe?
  • Wow; don't **** with Catwoman. Will Pfeiffer is a very clever man and you should read his comics.
  • "Who in their right mind would build a remote-controlled pie?"
  • Red Tornado = peeping tom.
  • Aqualad gets some advice.
  • So, are Deadman and Green Arrow the most perfect pair, or what?
  • Poor, sweet, Donna!
  • Not to be mean, but it really is refreshing to see Superman knocked out in one punch.
  • "No! Don't open the plastic!" I think I laughed for a solid minute when I read that.
  • Superman and Hal Jordan giving relationship advice, in their own specials ways.
  • "How long have we worked together?" Um, maybe six issues or so?
  • Cho = Hylas. Brilliant. FredVan Lente is a very clever man and you should read his comics.


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