in my comics this week.

  • Batman wearing a bubble helmet. Gotta love that.
  • Gee, with Vixen able to copy all the powers of the other JLA members, it's almost as they're trying to convince us we won't need the Martian Manhunter any more, huh?
  • Wonder Woman's earrings are now part of Green Arrow's Rogue's Gallery. I don't think I've ever even liked Green Arrow before, but, for today at least, I love him for saying that...
  • Oceanus? Long time, no see!
  • Orion being clever and relying on Superman's intelligence rather than his strength.
  • Wonder Girl's mom used to hook up with the Olympian? Hot.
  • The Return of Queen Killer Shark.
  • Aquaman's little lesson about companionship to the young sidekicks. Aquaman formed the Teen Titans!
  • Wait... so does that mean Misfit's power is ... MAGIC?!
  • Speaking of the Martian Manhunter... as we've noted before, it's never enough for J'onn. That's why he decided to make himself the only hero on a planetful of supervillains. Couldn't he have just been satisfied with the Human Squirrel and the Human Flame?
  • I don't think I've ever been the least bit afraid of Wally West, in any way. Until he said... "One more time, Jai?" Now, that is scary, folks.
  • Extraterrestrial robot yetis.
  • Live Wire, living up to her potential.
  • Speaking of the Human Flame... you didn't miss his cameo in Brave & the Bold did you?
  • Batman seeing through Waller like a pane of glass while Wonder Woman and Superman stand there like slack-jawed super-apes.
  • Meeting the Silent Knight; never heard of him before!
  • "Ohhh-kay." I think that's the first time I've ever liked Red Tornado!
  • The JLA's fight with the Suicide Squad basically being, "Get out; now." Just as it should be.
  • The amazing image that came to my mind when Red Arrow said there'd been a strange Vibe between him and Vixen lately...! Ay, papi!
  • The Golden Eye of Effron. Shudder.
  • When Wonder Girl finally talks with Wonder Woman and gets, not want she wants to hear, but what she needs to her.
  • Good riddance! And if I never see him and his ridiculous portable harness with built-in Astro-Glide, it'll be too soon.
  • Aqualad, getting soundly dissed by the cool sidekicks, like the big-headed, purple-eyed, ichthyophobic freak that he is.
  • "Couldn't find his earrings." Funniest sentence you'll read all month.


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