in my comics this week.

  • Jaime Reyes, naked in a holding cell. Sigh!
  • Of all the times Desaad's gotten killed, this was my favorite.
  • The New Clock King!
  • Well, at least when Geoff Johns writes Hercules out of character, it's amusing!
  • Jaime Reyes, naked and bleeding, escaping an alien spaceship while making a Treasure of the Sierra Madre joke.
  • Well, I have no idea what Morrison's jibbering about in Batman, but he gets points for referencing both Batman's hallucination in Robin Dies At Dawn and the old story where Commissioner Gordon got demoted to beat cop.
  • Ray Palmer in costume. I bet you forgot that he's always wearing it and it only becomes visible when he shrinks. PU!
  • The brick-like subtlety which with LIGHTNING and Jakeem THUNDER are being thrown together. Oooo, maybe there's a storm a-comin'!
  • Jaime Reyes, wearing Blue Beetle goggles.
  • The guy wearing Wonder Girl's panties on his head.
  • Do yourself a favor and buy Dynamite 1. Very Watchmen-esque.
  • Wildcat's memories of "the Golden Age" in JSA Classified.
  • Traci Thirteen's amusing and dramatic cavalry entrance.
  • Many-headed headless creature thingie in Freedom Fighters; very Alan Moore.
  • Attack of the Legion of Substitute Heroes, via school bus!!!!
  • Hey; they just blew up Apokolips, didn't they? Maybe I'll never have to type that stupid name again...!
  • Lightning Lad's sleepwear. Rowr!
  • Jaime Reyes's dad shooting aliens with an auto-rifle.
  • Black Condor being a pain in the ass. It's a concept that really works for me.
  • The prissiness of Element Lad. Thank you, Mr. Shooter!
  • Earth-Man is a great villain. He's the new Composite Superman!
  • Jaime Reyes saying "those words", which I thought no one would ever hear again; where is this heading...?!
  • Happy Terrill's makeover, via comic book Red Bull!
  • Oh, my god, Black Lighting really does have a wife! For a while, I thought he was producing those children from his forehead, fully grown and armored.
  • Jaime Reyes's priorities: "Pants. Then spaceship. In that order."
  • Is it my imagination or are Piper's last ramblings the lyrics of a Dazzler song?
  • Prank phone calls to Batman.
  • The Ted Kord reference on the cover of Blue Beetle.

Really; why aren't you reading Blue Beetle? From now, I will only speak to people who are reading Blue Beetle...


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