...in my comics this week.

  • I was really surprised how enjoyable it was to watch Mary Marvel bite off someone's nose! May the Rolling Head of Pantha bless you, Mary!
  • I really liked both Gotham Underground and Salvation Run this week!
  • "That was ill-advised," is now a candidate for Greatest Understatement of the Year.
  • Brother Eye is ... eating Apokolips? That is freaking hilarious!
  • So... you do realize where the name "Boodika" comes from, don't you...?
  • The Origin of Solomon Grundy. Pure genius.
  • Okay, the whole "how Ollie got a son that we'd never heard of" thing makes a lot more sense to me now.
  • The baseball. Of course. The baseball. I stand in awe of you, Kurt.
  • Wonder Woman can perform marriages simply because she's the god**** Wonder Woman.
  • "Time-traveling deviants." This is my new favorite condemnatory epithet. The next time tourists are blabbing loudly on the Metro rather than sitting there silently staring into space like you're supposed to, I shall turn upon them savagely and hiss, "Time-traveling deviants." That'll show 'em.
  • Wait, so now Connor's half black instead of half Asian? Is this like when Kyle turned out to be half Mexican?
  • Oh, my god, Ted actually used his silly light gun!
  • "Caution will not help you now."
  • Dan Garrett is a very cool person. Honestly, it's nicer having him back than Ted.
  • Ape on ape violence!!!
  • My comic books made me look up a word today. I love it when that happens.
  • "Everybody say cheese!" I do not like to think about the Joker's photo album.
  • I really never thought I would ever see the name "Kenny Braverman" occur in any comic book. Ever. I almost fainted.


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