in my comics this week.

  • Acts-of-villains riders.
  • Well, as unlikely as it may seem, the Outsiders has officially become interesting.
  • Really, don't you think Gizmo should have replaced his glasses by now? Or at least his eye? Does he not have an image consultant?
  • Heh. Calling him "Carl".
  • Talking bombs. With shark faces. I love comics.
  • Hm. Barbara Gordon... Red Lantern...?
  • She's a Major? ROTFL!
  • THAT is the perfect title for the last issue of Robin. Nice one.
  • "Psyche!"
  • Wait is that... a giant bullet-shaped cenotaph? Instant classic.
  • Robin beats Shiva. Pure brilliance. That is why I love Tim Drake.
  • Heh. Calling him "a transformative figure".
  • That's the first explanation of the Outsiders that has every made sense to me.
  • Not at ALL something I expected to find out about Superwoman. Psyche, indeed.
  • Geo-Force working for a servant. Delicious!
  • DC really needs to start selling notebooks with that black hand symbol on them.
  • Roy Raymond, Jr. I am nonplussed. In a good way.
  • Batman and Rocket totally need to go out.
  • I assume that kissing him is pretty much like eating a mud pie.
  • Okay. Metamorpho is officially really creepy now.
  • Huh. Don't you think that she, of all people, would be a bit more freaked about getting a doll in the mail?
  • Now that is the way to quit your job. On live teevee.
  • Ryan is right; it is Nekron, isn't it?
  • Roy's "Marsh Marsha Marsha" moment.
  • Hm... Halo's possible role in the Blackest Night? Interesting. Yeah... I just said "Halo interesting".


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