Everyone knows that Lois Lane used to be a selfish, irresponsible, nitwit. At least, that's how she was after the Silver Age hit 'er. As I've pointed out before, there's a big difference between

Golden Age Lois Lane ...

and Silver Age Lois Lane....
But there's no immediate point in rehashing Lo-Lo's well-known foibles. But the reintroduction of the two pillars of the Silver Age, Hal Jordan and Barry Allen, does prompt me to do a brief synopsis of the character of the other...

Girlfriends of the Silver Age

Sue Dibny,Brainless debutante;

Carol Ferris,
Ice queen;

Jean Loring,
Paranoid lunatic;

Shiera Hall,
Independent ass-kicker;

Vicki Vale,
Pointy-tata-ed, bondage-loving sexpot;

Iris West,
Vicious, emasculating witch


Sue Dibny,
Brainless debutante;

Carol Ferris,
Ice queen;

Jean Loring,
Dangerous lunatic;

Shiera Hall,
Pro-active ass-kicker;

Vicki Vale,
Phone-sexing, porn-loving sexpot;

Iris West,
Demeaning ballbuster

Recapping, that's...

Sue Dibny,
Brainless debutante;

Carole Ferris,
Ice queen;

Jean Loring,
Freakin' lunatic;

Shiera Hall,
Relentless ass-kicker;

Vicki Vale,Finger-licking-bad sexpot;

Iris West,Spirit-crushing psycho-sadist.

And, for those who are still unbelievers...

Sue Dibny,
Brainless debutante;

Carol Ferris,
Ice queen;

Jean Loring,
Gibbering, slavering lunatic;

Shiera Hall,
Ready to kick your gorilla-dog's ass;

Vicki Vale,
Martini-guzzling, bunny-wannabe sexpot;

Iris West,
Just plain mean.


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