in my comics this week.

  • The most cold-hearted Catwoman ever.
  • Luthor in prison duds. As he should be.
  • The penny plundering.
  • GOSH, that was a fast trip to the moon, LOL.
  • I like this Norman McKay much better.
  • Okay, Judd made several big wins with me this week. He's given Connor a skill set that makes him a good complement to Ollie, rather than a redundant, failed replacement. He's treated memory loss like the complicate thing it is, rather than just a comic book trope. He dealt with some of the inconsistency of Connor's previous characterization. AND, I might add, what he's done has left open the possibility of Connor's sexuality... again.
  • Rexy. Gods, I love comics.
  • Superman has some in-law problems, apparently.
  • Two-Face is a Star Trek fan.
  • Where Frank hid the drug.
  • Apparently, Clark Kent, despite being a writer for decades, manages to confuse the accusative with the vocative, which I sure none of his readers will.
  • Wait, did he really just shoot Lex?
  • 20 zeppelins; GODS, how I love that character!
  • The artificial whale. Good memory, Dini.
  • Notice he said "lease"; he doesn't still them.
  • That's the second-best Joker-kills-someone-by-peanut-allergy I've ever read!
  • The Punisher's garbage can.
  • Huh. Batman's broken and rotting corpse... . But Power Girl STILL manages to look good!
  • The fact that in their argument the Zamarons and the Guardians are both right.
  • Dr. Elliott finally earns his name. And his bandages.
  • A thank you from Two-Face.
  • The real-worldish ramifications of the exposure of Vesetech, particularly the montage of those effects; pure genius. That's good comics, folks.
  • Karate Alfred!
  • Street-fightin' Starro!
  • I love Flamebird & Nightwing, instantly.
  • Defeated by a Whirli-bat? ROTFL!
  • Pennies from heaven.
  • Jeez, even a crushed skull won't shut Lo-lo up!
  • Selina's oh-so-sweet revenge.
  • Trinity just gets crazier and crazier!
  • Was the meta-ending of Legion in the 31s Century as, well, creepy to you as it was to me?


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