Vibe had NO fan page on Facebook?!?!?
Well, I fixed that: Vibe's Facebook page.
Gerry Conway, Vibe's creator, sent me a message yesterday: "Vibe has fans???"
YES, Gerry Conway, Vibe has fans. He lives, like Santa, in the hearts of small children everywhere. Every time a Latin child does his first pop and lock, Vibe is there. Whenever an inner city youth thinks, "I want to leave this gang-life behind and put my banana-colored parachute pants in the service of justice," Vibe lives again.
His joy in living, his Golden Age devil may care attitude, his devotion to heroics; Vibe was-- IS --an inspiration to us all.
I wasn't able to get Seth Johnson (Hi, Seth!) to make a Vibe heroclix figure (which is why I have to have mine custom-made... both of them), but I will NOT let this unique hero be forgotten.
Please befriend Vibe, as Vibe befriended the world.
Labels: Vibe