in my comics this week.

  • Looks like Kyle's got a job pencilling for IDW.
  • Wonder Woman wishes her boots had heels.
  • I need to use that buster-blocking technique myself!
  • Batgirl (the real one) is in three different books this week.
  • You did remember that Janus is the god of doorways, didn't you?
  • Gorillas with briefcases. And their contents.
  • I'm positive that those three villains have never appeared all in the same panel before; if Killer Moth had been there the world would have ended.
  • See? Without Interlac, everything falls apart. LEARN INTERLAC, YOU NASSHEADS!
  • I did not expect to see Elvis driving the Batmobile this week.
  • "Actually, I like to do my own cooking" are very odd last words.
  • Why Anti-Venom is a threat to Spider-Man. Clever.
  • Hippolyta understands the true function of men.
  • Theo? Really? I was expecting "Ocuphagor" or "Kleptoculus". Theo?
  • Gauntlets-n-rapiers is almost as cool as bullets-n-bracelets.
  • So, when did Mike Grell do a Batgirl costume?
  • Allison's secret.
  • The camera's keyed to a tracking device? That's... amazing!
  • Judd Winick's inability to use any voice except the same one the Buffy characters all speak with officially became amusing this week with his, um, "dialog" for Dr. Sivana. Or maybe Judd's just never read a Captain Marvel story before.
  • "Try ducking." Hawkman is one of the DCU's few natural comedians.
  • Norman Osborne. Love that man.
  • What Hippolyta wants from Nemesis.
  • Speaking of which, that traffic cop is the PERFECT way to stop Mordru!!
  • The Strange Costumes of Batman!
  • Wonder Woman tries to get her mother out of the picture.
  • "Why an eight-year-old boy appears to have age 9 years, we don't know." Two words: Black Arrow (or Green Canary). Or Judd Winick. Or plot contrivance.
  • It's like... like Old Spice is listening in on my dreams...!
  • "Is there no sense of accuracy in this production?"
  • I don't think I've seen someone completely covered in eyeballs before.


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