in my comics this week.

  • Which was better: Hal getting konked by a piece of jewelry or Catwoman kicking him in the face?
  • Hey; the Supermobile!
  • "I see a hospital that's not going to destroy itself!" Priceless!
  • The unbroken cigar. Nice touch, Will Pfeiffer.
  • The best comic you probably won't buy this week.
  • "Can I touch your cape?" Adorable!
  • I really want to see a Two-Face/The Source team-up in Brave & the Bold.
  • Ah. The Return of Maxie Zeus. Bravo, Mr. Dixon.
  • Wow! Now THAT is Kanjar Ro.
  • Falling asleep on a date is pretty hardcore; particularly when you're on a rollercoaster.
  • Yeah, well, I've see enough of you, too, Metron.
  • Making popcorn? Oh, you're a smooth one, Tim.
  • The Ten-Cent Plague: have you read it?
  • So, that's what Ultraman is afraid of; that's amusing.
  • I appreciate MacDuffie's cleverness in reversing Meltzer's over-obvious set-up of "Hawkgirl will break Red Arrow's heart."
  • Infinity Inc.
  • Superman, Jack Bauer, and all the kids from Hogwarts.
  • "Is Anaxagoras your lawyer?" Oh, ye gods, I almost fell out of my chair laughing... .
  • Black Canary-in-a-box.
  • Superbreath. They always forget about the superbreath.
  • A shark-shaped submarine. Villains should always own thematically decorated submarines.
  • Aquaman defeats Amazo. Elegantly, I might add.
  • If Dan Garrett's recent appearance leave you with a hankering to see some original Blue Beetle stories... well, Mallet can cure of that right away!
  • That's one piece of jewelry I want to see the Catwoman steal for real.
  • So, wait; are Commander Flag and Roy Harper twins separated at birth? By a decade? Time for some fanfic!
  • Chuck Dixon; what's your opinion?
  • Darkseid! Looking hot! Are you doing Jennie Craig? Call me...
  • I really enjoy the art in Robin.
  • Aw, darn... I was kind of hoping the Godkiller would turn out to be Jean Loring, wielding a cosmic-powered cigarette stand.
  • That'll do it; appearances by Steve Lombard are now acceptable as long as his wrist gets broken.
  • The Jester League of America? This is automatically this best comic book I will read in June.
  • Arrow in the butt. Not enough of that in comics, I say. And, no, I don't mean Roy.


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