in my comics this week.

  • "Think clean thoughts, chum." Just as funny now as it was in 1985. If you're not reading Nightwing, you're missing out, folks.
  • The All-New Atom perfectly synopsizes superhero comics, in two panels.
  • "Who are we fighting?" Slowly, but surely, I'm beginning to love Donna Troy/Wonder Girl.
  • "Holy crow!" Robin needs to say that more. We all do.
  • I hope that if the time ever comes when I see the word "UNCOOL" burning on the ground, I'll know what to do... .
  • I know that when Ray said this, it wasn't supposed to be hilarious... "The nanoverse, the multiverse, and now Apokolips. No matter how bizarre my life gets, all I can think about is ... Jean." Even for Ray, Jean represents all the crazy-bad in the world!
  • "We are the Justice League because it's the right thing to be."
  • Even mountain goats don't know what to make of Aqualad's Girly Shrieking (tm). Of course, this is the first time you can't actually blame him for screaming...!
  • Red Lantern. Holy crow, they've managed to get me hooked on the Green Lantern Corps...!
  • Remember my post where I said no one quite knows where to triangulate Wonder Woman? I was wrong. Darwin Cooke does.
  • Thank you, Jason Todd, for being the one hero conscious of the need for traffic safety.
  • Batman's empathy for Blue Beetle and Booster Gold in JLU was one of the best bits of characterization all month.
  • I think I just stared for five minutes at the beauty of the house ad in New Frontier. I hope it's for real ... .
  • Wonder Girl crying? Very funny. Aqualad, while Wonder Girl's crying? Hilarious.
  • Ryan Choi enlarging one of his killer blood cells to the size of a VW. It's just the kind of thing a good comic book scientist is supposed to do.
  • Wonder Woman's "bra burning".
  • After the Teen Titans take down Green Arrow, the Flash, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman, Batman single-handedly beats the snot out of them.
  • "Bromophobe." Schwartz help me, I almost didn't hate Panda this month...!
  • Jonah Hex looked really hot this month. Er, from the neck down, anyway.
  • Robin the Boy Wonder carries a bat-handkerchief? Of course he does!
  • Ray Palmer hiding on the Heroclix Board of Doom.
  • The Demolition Team. I never thought I'd enjoy seeing the Demolition Team.
  • "Robin's cool." Yes, Aqualad; yes, he is.
  • "Please... my kidneys." Okay, Darwin Cooke is my new favorite humorist.
  • Wait... there's a gigantic metal statue of a PISTOL at the UN? That's hilarious! Particularly when there's a knot in the barrell.
  • The answer to "why Jimmy Olsen?"; simple and elegant.
  • So Robin starts out to bust a gang of hotrodders and winds up saving the President's life? That's our Boy Wonder!


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