Recently introduced at this year's Toy Fair were three new Barbie dolls by Mattel that pay homage to some of the world's most famous artists. 14th century Master Leonardo Da Vinci, Impressionist Vincent Van Gogh and Art Nouveau painter Gustav Klimt have been immortalized as soon to be released Barbies. The dolls clothing, make up, hair styles and jewelry are inspired by Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Van Gogh's Starry Night and Klimt's portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer.

Not yet in the stores, the dolls are available for pre-order at the links below.

The Da Vinci Barbie

above: Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, painted from 15o3-1507

Pre-order the Da Vinci Barbie Doll here

The Klimt Barbie:

above: Gustav Klimt's portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer, completed in 1907

Pre-order the Klimt Barbie Doll here

The Van Gogh Barbie:

above: Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night, painted in 1887

Pre-order the Van Gogh Barbie Doll here.

special thanks to Carolynn R. Whitford and Michael Williams for the above images

Also available for pre-order are the following soon to be released Barbies for 2011:

The Farrah Fawcett Barbie Doll

The Grace Kelly Barbie Doll

The Rock Hudson & Doris Day Barbie Dolls Giftset

The Frank Sinatra Barbie Doll


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