Bonjour Mes Amis! I'm a California girl and I love this beautiful, warm, Summer weather. It's been just gorgeous over here and I just spent the perfect Summer Sunday with my boys. What is my idea of a perfect Summer day you ask? A warm sunny day, my amazing husband and beautiful son, the pool, a bowl of fruit, a glass of champagne, and a good book (all of this after watching my Argentina play in the World Cup of course). That's exactly how I spent the day and I couldn't be happier.

The book I read today was so good! The perfect light, fun, Summer reading. I really enjoyed it and just couldn't put it down. Summer at Tiffany, a memoir by Marjorie Hart is a book right up my alley!

Imagine New York City circa 1945.Two young girls Marjorie and her best friend, Marty, arrive in New York to find summer positions as shopgirls. These lucky girls find jobs as pages at Tiffany & Co. and become the first women to ever work on the sales floor! A fun book filled with tales of a diamond-filled job that includes Tiffany blue shirtwaist dresses from Bonwit Teller's. What an experience, what a time period, what a story! I just loved it.

Happy Summer days to you! I can't wait for the weekend again!


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