Has anybody else been reading Red Robin? I ask because I was particularly wary about that book coming out of Battle for the Cowl. I've always been a big fan of Tim Drake since I started reading comics (he's my Robin after all) and I was a bit concerned about the direction they seemed to be taking him.

Seemed was the operative word, of course. Because things in Red Robin have rarely turned out to be what they seem. I thought we were getting a story about Tim Drake by a writer/artist team that didn't really get the character. But as the most recent arc has wrapped up I've really reconsidered my initial assessment.

Red Robin is a really good superhero book. It's solid on action, solid on characterization, even if Tim seemed off in the beginning. But really, who wouldn't be off after what he'd been through?

Oh, and this Marcus To guy is something else. The book has improved by leaps and bounds since he took over as the artist.

Now, do I think the book will last as long as Tim's previous solo outing? Probably not. But I still thing it's a good book. If you're a fan of Tim Drake it's got everything you could possibly want.

I have only one thing to say: Thursday Night Thinking!

Sensational indeed.

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Martina Hingis
Hot Hollywood Women Celebties

I'm going to drop Outsiders.

The book has been a schizophrenic ride from the beginning, but under Dan DiDio and Phillip Tan it seems to be reaching a new low.

Sure, the book has been in some weird places the past few years. But under Peter Tomasi and Lee Garbett/Fernando Pasarin it seemed to have stabilized. Characters I didn't normally care about became interesting and characters I hate became tolerable.

But all of that seems to have been wiped away in a single issue. Geo-Force is more annoying that ever before. Katana is acting very strange. Owlman (one of Tomasi's best creations for the book) and Black Lightning are being played like chumps.

Now, it's possible that this is all part of some larger more grandiose plan. But if it is I'd like to get a hint that we'll be reaching a status quo that's acceptable to me as a reader. But all the hints were the other way. That's why the book is going into the discard pile.

Any other readers of Outsiders dismayed at the recent turn of the events? I mean, is the book really any good without Alfred?



Black Lantern Azrael back again. And for the record? I hate you all. Please tell me that elicits some rage.

Anyway, it seems they're doing a whole story about Batman's stupid corpse. Why wasn't there a story about my corpse? I don't even know how I ended up dead anyway. They didn't find my body. It's obvious I was alive.

RRARRR! Are you feeling some compassion for my pitiful plight? No? No rage or compassion, huh? Definitely no love here either... I can't think of any reason for avarice. And there's nothing here to hope for. I suppose my only hope is to elicit...


Please tell me that got some fear out of some of you. No? Dang... I'm not very good at this...

Jessica Biel
Hot Hollywood Women Celebties
Jessica Biel was initially trained to be a vocalist, and appeared in several musical productions in her hometown, playing lead roles in productions such as Annie, The Sound of Music and Beauty and the Beast.

Yargh! I did it again. I keep meaning to not let every Friday through Sunday slip by without me doing a post. But sometimes these things happen. I've got good reasons but I won't go into those here and now.

Anyway, lots of comic book news has come out in the past few weeks. DC has been announcing things like nobody's business. Blackest Night is coming into the home stretch. And I'm still not sure what the DCU will look like once the dust settles.

They're calling it Brightest Day, of course. But things can't be too bright. If everything is great then there won't be any conflict. And you know as well as I that stories thrive on conflict. Comic book super-hero tales are no exception.

Take, for instance, Deathstroke's Titans. I don't know if it'll be any good. I probably won't buy it. But it will definitely kick off in-universe conflict -- and it will carry the Brightest Day banner.

Where are some other potential sources of conflict? Well, on the Green Lantern front I believe Geoff Johns has already hinted at conflict with the return of Evil Star. That should keep the "New Guardians" busy for a while. At least as long as Johns continues his tradition of turning also ran villains into powerhouses.

There will be conflict in the Superman universe as well. The New Krypton story may not be completely over by the time Brightest Day hits. And even if it is, there's always Lex Luthor. You can always count on Lex Luthor to create conflict.

Oh, and one of these days Bruce Wayne is going to return. And when he does you know the Joker will be following right behind.

So really, Brightest Day doesn't look too bright. And for that I'm very grateful...

Emma Watson
Hot Hollywood Women Celebties
Emma Watson's first non-Harry Potter role was in the 2007 TV film Ballet Shoes. Emma Watson played Pauline Fossil. Emma Watson said of the project, "I was all set to go back to school after finishing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix but couldn't resist Ballet Shoes. I really loved it". A BBC adaptation of Noel Streatfeild's novel of the same name, the film stars Emma Watson as aspiring actress Pauline Fossil, the eldest of three sisters around whom the story revolves. Director Sandra Goldbacher commented, "Emma was perfect for Pauline ... Emma Watson has a piercing, delicate aura that makes you want to gaze and gaze at her". The role required Emma Watson to bleach her hair white-blonde. Ballet Shoes was broadcast on Boxing Day in the United Kingdom, to an estimated audience of 5.2 million (22 percent of the viewing total). The film received generally poor critical reviews, and The Times described it as "progressing with little emotional investment, or magic, or dramatic momentum". However, the performances of its cast were generally praised; The Daily Telegraph wrote the film "was certainly well done, not least because it confirmed how good child actors are these days".

As usual: Thursday Night Thinking!

I don't think mirrors work that way...

Paris Hilton
Hot Hollywood Women CelebtiesDuring the 2008 U.S. presidential election, Paris Hilton released a humorous viral video, Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad, on Will Ferrell's funnyordie.com, which Adam McKay directed. While the video was intended to be satire, a serious policy position regarding energy that Paris Hilton discussed in it became known as the "Paris Hilton Energy Plan." As of August 9, 2008, the video has over 6 million views.

Jezzy erased by me

I know a question like this is old hat... But I figure I haven't brought this topic up in a while so now is as good a time as any.

What the heck happened to Cassandra Cain?

It's no secret that I love Cassandra. Her Batgirl comic was one of the first books that really got me into comics. It had its ups and downs but mostly that book was really good. I know I miss it.

But this isn't one of those posts where I rage and get angry at DC for all their screw-ups (and they are many) when it comes to Cassandra. I've moved past the the anger stage. I guess I'm sort of in the acceptance stage. Though not entirely, as I'm writing this post.

When One Year later hit everything about the character got shot to hell. Geoff Johns brought her back for his Titans East arc and tried to fix things. More or less. She seemed to have neat position in Outsiders (until they rebooted it again. Then she got that mini-series which really did fix things.

Then Batman died.

Now, it would certainly make sense that that was a crushing blow to Cassandra. No question there. If you've read her series you know that they had a very interesting sort of father/daughter relationship going on. And though throwing away her Batgirl outfit does contradict some of the things that she said in her comic, well... People rarely react the way they say they will when they lose someone important to them.

So I'm okay with her throwing away the cowl. But I want to know where she is and what she's doing. Because the character I grew to love over eighty plus issues isn't the kind of character who just walks away from the good fight. I know the powers that be at DC don't like the character. But I do. And I want to know where she is, if only for my own peace of mind...

Avril Lavigne
Hot Hollywood Women Celebties
Avril Lavigne, the sullen pseudo-punk princess with a penchant for dressing like a boy, has often been told to grow up. So she did - in style. The newly chic singer-turned-model talks to Strawberry Saroyan about marriage, fashion and the importance of not being slutty
In 2002 Avril Lavigne, a 17-year-old from small-town Canada, released the catchy pop-punk anthem 'Complicated', about teen love with the wrong guy, and became, before the year was out, the biggest-selling female singer in America. She seemed to come from nowhere overnight, and might have vanished just as quickly were it not for her tomboy attitude, intoxicating - for fellow teens - slacker/skater style, and talent for churning out hit after hit.

Well, there's nothing like a nice long weekend to rejuvenate you. Or so they say. In reality, my first day back at school has been exhausting. As such, I'm not going to write a big long post for tonight.

Still, let's talk about severed limbs.

Specifically, I want to talk about what happened in Cry for Justice. The now infamous "severing of Roy Harper's arm." It was a pretty graphic scene. I'm not sure it was entirely necessary and I don't know if the character direction they've decided to go with is the right one.

What I do know is that far too many people are simplifying the matter. I heard grousing about how it wasn't a big deal as he was once on a team with a guy who had multiple cybernetic limbs. Seeing as he was going to get a new arm, having his arm removed wasn't a big deal.

Those people were right about one thing: he did get a cybernetic arm. From the looks of it it's Cyborg's technology as well. That certainly makes story sense; the guys are good friends.

But as the solicitation says, "getting a prosthetic arm doesn’t make him whole again." The trauma of what happened to Roy Harper isn't merely physical. Such things never are. And though I'm still not sure they took the right direction (in fact, I think they probably didn't) that doesn't mean that they can't turn it into an interesting story. I really hope they do, even if I probably won't be reading it...

Image via Such Pretty Things ~ Flickr ~ The Fleas

Bonjour Mes Amis! I was just enjoying a cup of tea and dreaming of Paris! My friend Julio from Beaux Mondes Designs is there now and he took his toddler son with them. His posts are just lovely and are making me miss Paris dreadfully! I can't wait to take my Baby J there :)

Image via Inspiring Things ~ The Storefronts

From the Fleas, the shops. to the storefronts, these images are causing a little pang in my heart.

Via Flickr

A favorite thing of mine to do was to visit the Marché aux Fleurs and Marché aux oiseaux. Just strolling around and seeing all of the sites and smelling the flowers (not the birds) is a perfect little break in the city.
I could never get over the flower stalls piled  high with beautiful fragrant blooms. Like walls of blossoms on each side. It's truly beautiful. I always had fresh flowers in the apartment.

Via Flickr

Via Flickr

The best bookstores in the world I do believeare in Paris! They are amazing. What I wouldn't do to be there now.

        Via Flickr
I love this image of the Bouquiniste along the Seine. It brings back so many wonderful memories of Paris! Leisurely breaks reading along the Siene and views of the Conciergerie. Life doesn't get much better than that! What a wonderful stroll down memory lane for me tonight. I'm off to bed with visions of Laduree and Les Printemps dancing in my head.
Bonne Nuit!

I took a fabulous trip to Hollywood with some friends and I can't wait to post about the fantastic Golden Age of Hollywood sites I saw...Until then!

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