Good Lord, the way people on the Internet are reacting to this news you'd think DC had hired Satan to write a comic book starring Hitler.

I wish people would chill out a little bit. I get it. A lot of people really hate Dan DiDio. I don't get that but it is what it is. But you know what? It's not like he's seized control of Green Lantern or kicked Morrison off of Batman and Robin so he can write it himself. He's going to be writing Outsiders which is a book full of C-listers at best.

Sure, I'm kind of bummed that Tomasi and Pasarin aren't going to be sticking around. But they've probably got other stuff on deck. DiDio didn't have them removed so he could take over.

I think everybody who's having a hissy fit over Dan DiDio writing Outsiders really needs to get some perspective...


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